Jon Gary Williams
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F. L. Paisley vs J. A. Scarboro (Baptist)
January 4, 1923
Luddwici, Georgia

(By J. Bedford Beck)

Dec. 12-15 at Rye Patch Baptist church near Luddwici, Ga. Scarboro affirmed: The Bible teaches that the believer in Christ receives pardon of sins before and without baptism."

His arguments were as follows: 1) God can save without baptism. 2) No water in the atonement of that type, therefore none in the antitype. 3) Christ pardoned without baptism before Pentecost, Christ is the same today and forever; therefore he will save without it. He then comes to Saul and Cornelius to clinch his arguments. He also quoted John 3:16; 5:24; 6:47. This is the sum of his efforts.

Bro. Paisley spoiled his playhouse so badly that he never did collect himself again during the debate. The 2nd day bro. Paisley affirmed baptism for the remission of sins. Mr. Scarboro's only effort was to affirm the "eis" is correctly translated "into" in connection with the word "believe." He failed in this and then went to I Cor. 12:13 and claimed we get into the body of Christ by the baptism of the Spirit. But the worst of this for him is that earlier he had already committed himself on this subject by saying that the H.S. baptism was always accompanied by tongues, and that he did not believe in that today. He dodged John 3:5 by saying "water" meant "word."

3rd and 4th days spent on apostasy. Mr. Scarboro's arguments based on "hath everlasting life," "shall never die" and similar passages. He was driven to the primitive Baptist position of total depravity, foreordination and predestination. He was a real good dodger; but he had never met a real good marksman before and consequently received several death blows. Bro. Paisley was the master of the situation at all times and did his part well.

The pleasing thing was the debate ended on a friendly note. Many Baptists admitted their preacher was wrong. I (J. Bedford Beck) was moderator for bro. Paisley. I enjoyed my stay with him so much. I think he is a fine man and I love him for his defense of the truth.