Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


F. L. Paisley vs L. R. Riley (Missionary Baptist)
April 19, 1923
Grantsburg, Illinois

(By L. E. Jones)

Debate at Grantsburg, Ill. March 6-9. The debate was clean and high-toned. Great crowds heard four the four propositions.

First day, Mr. Riley affirmed: "The Bible teaches that lost sinners are saved by the obedience of Jesus Christ only, without any conditions of obedience upon their part whatsoever." He made his play on the word "obedience." He said that repentance and faith were conditions of salvation, but not "conditions of obedience." Bro. Paisley showed that repentance was a command (Acts 17:30) and that Paul commanded the jailer to believe (Acts 16:31). Bro. Paisley made a number of strong negative arguments that Riley ignored.

The 3rd day was the most interesting and the greatest victory for the truth. Mr. Riley affirmed: he Bible teaches that the churches describe in the N.T. were "Missionary Baptist" churches and the individual members were "Missionary Baptists." He spent most of the day only reviewing the first two days. He made what he seemed to consider his strongest argument on the fact that the churches described in the N.T. baptized and that they did mission work. Bro. Paisley offered six syllogistic arguments against the name "Miss. Bapt." He handed Riley a copy. He refused to answer.

Riley admitted that N.T. churches were called "churches of Christ." He said the name "Baptist" was given by the enemy. I have never seen anyone so hard pressed as Riley. It was so embarrassing to audience that Riley said he would never meet bro. Paisley again - that bro. Paisley was "too little." Bro. Paisley wrote me that before leaving the train at Paducah, he offered Riley $200 to meet him at Gadsden, Tenn. Riley said he would meet him for $300.

The debate was a complete victory for truth. Bro. Paisley is a young, man and the time is not far distant when he will be able to meet any Baptist preacher in the U.S. The brethren were more than well pleased. The debate was held in the same building where bro. Paisley made the good confession 16 years ago.