Jon Gary Williams
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John Peden vs Allan Walker (Adventist)
October 4, 1923
Wauchula, Florida

(By Mae Wingate)

The debate held in Wauchula, Fla. on question of Sabbath and Lord's day. Mr. Walker was to affirm 5 nights and Peden 3. Only 7 propositions were discussed.

Walker was dissatisfied with his effort the 2nd night and spent his time the 3rd night rehearsing his subject of the night before - namely: "The scriptures teach that the ten commandments alone constituted a complete law, and that all these commandments are binding after the cross" - thereby omitting entirely his 3rd affirmative, which was: "The scriptures teach that the seventh -day Sabbath should be observed by Christians after the cross." Mr. Walker acknowledged the law spoken of in the 2nd proposition as incomplete, but affirmed it to be a distinct law.

The Adventists considered Mr. Walker one of their best informed men, and a good, honest, zealous, Christian man; but he allowed his temper to go astray the last night and condemned bro. Peden 3 times as being a violator of the 9th commandment. Mr. Walker in the debate read widely from writers of the different churches, especially Alexander Campbell; but he sorely objected to bro. Peden's reading from Adventist writers, especially from the famous Mr. White, whom the Adventists consider a great prophetess and their main church writer.

Bro. Peden has lived in Fla. 15 years. He has made sacrifices and done much to establish primitive Christianity in Fla. His knowledge of the Bible, his kind and calm way of presenting it, and his clean life will commend him to any and all lovers of the truth and righteousness. The brethren are well pleased with the debate. Walker and Peden have been asked to repeat the debate at Fort Meady Anon Park and Arcadia, Fla. So far Peden has agreed but Walker has refused.