Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


(A second report on the above debate)
S. O. Pool vs S. D. Condit (Mormon)
November, 19, 1908
Chitwood, Oregon

(By Geo. W. Tyler)

When bro. Pool arrived at Chitwood, Ore. He found S. D., Later-Day Saint, conducting a well-attended meeting. Bro. Pool was to debate an Adventist who had not shown up. So we arranged with Mr. Condit to let us speak alternately with him and review each other's speech. The first evening Condit gave as their doctrine this mild statement: "Faith in Christ is all that is necessary to our salvation, and for this we have been persecuted." To this bro. Pool replied, showing that there was cause for persecution, that as a prophet Joseph Smith was a failure, that the "Book of Mormon" falls with Joe Smith and that their church organization is unscriptural. In his speech Condit questioned bro. Pool's honesty and integrity. We are now arranging for one of the Mormon's best men to debate bro. Pool. The debate will be held at Portland, Ore.