Jon Gary Williams
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S. O. Pool vs W. C. Ward (7th Day Adventist)
December 10, 1908
Chitwood, Oregon

(By S. O. Pool)

For several years there had a religious conflict between Adventists and members of the church of Christ over Sabbath keeping in Chitwood Ore. We decided to set up a debate with W.R. Martin, but he refused to come. So the Adventists selected W.C. Ward. But Ward would not affirm Mrs. White's revelations. (Mrs. White was the one who originated the Adventist religion.) Ward left the debate. Bro. Pool then showed the errors of Adventism. Then Ward decided to return. He affirmed that keeping the Sabbath is the seal of God and Sunday observance is the mark of the beast, as the Catholic, he claimed, changed the day. He made reference to Dan. 7:25. Bro. Pool told him one mark which that beast had was forbidding ot eat meat (I Tim. 4:3) and that Mrs. White is guilty, as she forbids the eating of meat.

Bro. Pool affirmed: The first day of the week is the day for Christians to worship. He introduced 21 scriptures. Ward looked at 8 and ignored the others. It was a great victory for the truth.