Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


A. H. Rozar va J. F. Hart (Missionary Baptist)
September 2, 1909
Sharon, Alabama

(By A.H. Rozar)

It is sometimes asked, "Do debates do good?" If conducted in the spirit of Christ they do good. On Aug. 10, 1909 I met J. F. Hart Sharon, Ala.

He affirmed:
1) That the Spirit operates independently of the word and,
2) That one can be a child of God and not be a member of the church of God.

These propositions I denied. I affirmed:
1) Baptism to as penitent believer is in order to the remission of past sins and,
2) A child of God could apostatize so as to be finally lost. He denied.

After the debate closed I preached 3 days and nights and baptized eight. Three came from the Missionary Baptist church and took a stand with us. The brethren in that part of the country rejoiced very much at the success of the truth.