Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


H. F. Sharp vs Mr. Mallett (Holiness)
November 25, 1948
Damascus, Arkansas

(By C. R. Nichol)

H.F. Sharp debated Mr. Mallett, Holiness sect, near Damascus, Ark. Nov.1948. The discussion covered the origin, teaching and practice of the two churches.

Mr. Mallett said he had debated often and had the "gift of teaching" given him as one of the "gifts of the Holy Spirit." he did not have, and has never, the "gift of healing," nor the gift of "speaking in tongues." He did insist that he had the gift of teaching by the power of the H.S. conferred on him.

Bro. Sharp, testing the Mr. Mallett's claim, submitted a number of passages from the N.T. asking him to explain the meaning. It was a bit refreshing to hear Mr. Mallett declare that these passages had not been revealed to him, but he still insisted that he had this gift. This was bro. Sharp's first debate. He was self-possessed, clear in his presentation of the arguments and scriptures he introduced, and direct in refutation of the false positions advanced by Mr. Mallett. Mallett read his MSS and did not at all answer Sharp.