Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Description of B. F. Syrgley
April 17, 1924

(By F. D, Syrgley)

Physically, he is not a bad looking specimen of humanity. He has a large head, long arms, fists like sledge hammers, and a voice like a foghorn. As a speaker, he is deliberate, self-possessed, quick-witted, and entertaining. Nothing confuses him or throws him off balance. As a debater he is always in a good humor and keeps audiences in good humor. He attempts no display of learning, gut knows Greek lexicons, doctrinal standards, church histories and writings of the church fathers. He knows all the places where his opponents seek to hide. He is thoroughly posted in the scriptures, and no matter how far he may wander off after an opponent in other books, he never forgets or fails to come back to the plain, positive statements of the word of God. He is kind to an opponent when hitting his doctrine with crushing blows.

He is a great exhorter, as well as an earnest reasoner, and more than once is debate he brought tears to the eyes of grown men. He is utterly unmoved by opinions of men. He is best as a negative debater. He follows his opponent and has the courage to indorse the truth as well as to expose the error in the speech he is reviewing. He is perfectly willing to stand with an opponent when he is right. He takes broad positions, combats big errors, and makes strong arguments. The vigor of his gestures, boldness of his positions, positiveness of his convictions combines at times, to make him seem rather dogmatic and overbearing.