Jon Gary Williams
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C. M. Stubblefield vs H. D. Rice (Missionary Baptist)
November 14, 1912
Location Unknown

(By A. L. Wilson)

Mr. Rice affirmed: The scriptures teach that the penitent believer has salvation, or remission sins, before baptism. Bro. Stubblefield affirmed: The scriptures teach that it is possible for a child of God to so apostatize as to be finally lost. Bro. Stubblefield is a young man and has been in the ministry just a few years. He is a very strong debater, with splendid delivery and unusual power in presenting the truth.

On the 2nd proposition bro. Stubblefield drove the "sword of the Spirit" so deep that it was plain to see defeat written upon the faces of the Baptists. Mr. Rice said the reason why the inspired writers warned Christians to be faithful was to keep them from "falling away." Of course, such a statement caused a good laugh from his side of the house.

Bro. Stubblefield is presently located at Puducah. Ky. I consider him one of the best debaters in our ranks when I regard his age and experience. Both debaters conducted themselves nicely.