Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


C. M. Stubblefield vs Mr. Savage (Christian Church)
November 27, 1913
Paducah, Kentucky

(By Unknown)

Debate hale at Paducah, Ky. The debate was held at the Goebel Ave. building. Big crowds attended. Bro. Stubblefield affirmed: Instrumental music in worship of the church of Christ is sinful. Brehtren were pleased bro. Stubblefield. Bro. Savage's people turned cold shoulders to him.

Bro. Stubblefield conducted himself in a pleasant, businesslike way. He made a number of strong arguments from John 4:24; Rom. 14:23; Heb. 11:6 and II John 9, and these were not met. He showed the woeful inconsistency of going to the old covenant for music and rejecting other things from the same covenant.

On the 3rd night bro. Savage challenged the "whole anti-organ fraternity" but when bro. Stubblefield accepted his challenge, on the 4th evening he backed down. He said he had to take care of his wife and child and could no debate any more. He said his moderator, Mr. Dean, would take his place. But Dean said he would, "if he had time, if the missionary board of Ky. would let him and if his brethren wanted it. Otherwise I will not." All this was rather iffy.