Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


W. L. Totty vs Mr. Carrier (Seventh-Day Adventist)
September 30, 1937
Indianapolis, Indiana

(By John H. Gerrard)

Sept. 23-26, W. L. Totty debate a Mr. Carrier, 7th Day Adventist.

The building was overflowing all four nights, many were turned away. Few debates have been held here but people were interested. About the best that can be said for Mr. Carrier is that he was quite efficient the issue. Bro. Totty called him again and again to the issue and he would not touch it until he would come to his last speech, when he knew bro. Totty had no chance to expose his false reasoning. Bro. Totty did splendid work in defending the truth in spite of Mr. Carrier's tactics. He exposed 7th Day Adventism to the extent that Mr. Carrier would not sign any more propositions, even though pressed to do so before the audience.