Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Informal Debate
W. L. Totty vs Carl Ketcherside
March 7, 1946
St. Louis, Missouri

(By W. L. Totty)

I received a long distance call to come to St. Louis to talk to Carl Ketcherside, of the anti-Bible class, anti-located preacher group. He has stirred up confusion there. The brother in whose home we met asked that we discuss the "located preacher" question. Ketcherside spoke first and we spoke at two minute intervals for two hours. He tried hard to establish his heresy, and attempted to cloud the issue by such terms as "hired pastor" and "clergy." but failure was obvious even to him.

Ketcherside said it was unscriptural for a preacher to continue at one place and receive money. I asked him if he could hold a meeting for two weeks and receive money, and how long could he continue before he became unscriptural. He tried to evade the force of these questions by saying that he did not "feed the flock" in meetings. I asked him if it would be unscriptural for him to preach a sermon to the church (feed the flock) during a meeting, or must he always preach to the world? He replied that a preacher could not remain at a place if he "militates" against the elders. I agreed that he was correct in that; but if the preacher did not "militate" against the elders, how long may he remain before becoming unscriptural? I pressed these questions for an hour. He never answered them. Ketcherside argued that the Greek word "euangelistas," from which we get our word "evangelist," means a preacher who travels. But Thayer defines it as: "a bringer of good things, an evangelist." Nothing says a preacher can stay only a short time.

Ketcherside absolutely refused to meet me in another debate. We debated five years ago in Anderson, Ind. Brethren, let us not hesitate to discuss publicly those issues which are disturbing to the church. The anti-Bible college and anti- Sunday school group has nothing for us to fear in a public discussion. Our old idea that if we debate them we will advertise their hobbies will not suffice to keep them from dividing churches. The sword of the Spirit rightly applied is the only cure.