Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


W. L. Totty vs J. G. Jordan (Christian Church)
August 8, 1946
Washington Court House, Ohio

(By K. W. Franklin)

W. L. Totty debated J.G. Jordan at Washington County House, Oh., July 15-17 in high school auditorium.

Jordan affirmed each evening: That the Bible so teaches and indorses the use of instruments of music in the worship of God. Jordan is a member of the conservative element of the Christian church.

The debate was the result of E. J. Cain, digressive preacher, his wife, an elder and his wife, being brought back from digression. After this the church of Christ was challenged. They regretted it. Both sides were well represented. Jordan went down in utter defeat. Each night many of his followers wanted to continue the debate privately. This proved that they were not satisfied with Jordan.

The first night Jordan confined himself to the O.T. About all bro. Totty did was to preach a sermon on the two covenants and point out passage in favor of singing. Jordan had his speeches written out, and refused to notice the arguments of Totty. The last 10 minutes of the second night of Totty's speech it would be difficult for anyone to equal his oratory as he pleaded for the unity of God's people. Jordan and friends felt the force of his reasoning.

The climax came the last night of the debate. Jordan first admitted that instrumental music was not found in the N.T., but later tried to prove it was authorized by the word "psallo." When he said he had found instrumental music in the N.T., bro. Totty arose and asked him to write the verse on the blackboard. The verse was Rom. 15:9, "For this cause I will confess thee unto the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name." Then the whole audience began to roar with laughter. Jordan's moderator began to argue with bro. Totty while Totty was speaking. Finally he made the moderator admit that there is nothing in the N.T. for the instrument. Totty pressed the point. But Jordan insisted the instrument was found in Rom. 15:9. Yet his moderator said there was nothing in the N. T. for it.

Bro. Totty never missed a point, and he really knows how to make an argument stand out. He pleaded for unity.