Jon Gary Williams
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J. D. Tant Reports
October 18, 1928

In the Freed-Bogard debate in Little Rock a Baptist preacher accepted the truth. Conditions recently developed so I could not meet Bogard at Corinth, Miss; so I got bro. Joe S. Warlick to take my place. I got back from Okla. in time to hear the last two days. It has been 21 years since I heard bro. Warlick, and this was his 22nd debate with Bogard.

I have heard John S. Sweeney, A.G. Freed, N. B. Hardeman, C. R. Nichol, G. C. Brewer, J. A. Harding and other noted debaters; but, to my mind, Joe Warlick is the ablest debater I have ever heard. Several times I felt like Bogard should give up his foolishness and accept the truth. I never saw a man more completely whipped with every argument turned against him.

It has been only a few years since the noted R.N. Pique was victorious all over Tenn. (they claimed); but the Methodists saw that their "victories" were leading men and women from the Methodist church into then church of Christ, and they retired Pique as a debater. This will probably be done by all Baptists who heard Warlick clean up Bogard. They will never want another such "victory." Let the good work go on!