Jon Gary Williams
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W. H. Trice vs W. T. Denington (Missionary Baptist)
December 7, 1916
Mayfield, Kentucky

(By T. B. Thompson)

Debated, Nov. 7-10 at Oak Grove Baptist Church near Mayfield, Ky.

Denington affirmed: two days, the Spirit's influence upon sinner in addition to power residing in the word. The last day bro. Trice affirmed: design of baptism.

Bro. Trice made arguments made his arguments clear and distinct. No one could lay a more splendid foundation. Bro. Trice's forte is asking his opponent simple questions to focus the issue and eliminate useless discussion. Often Dennington would say: "I'll not answer." Bro. Trice tied for eight days to Dennington to say whether salvation is conditional. The Missionary Baptist position between the truth and Hardshell Baptist is not a very "happy medium" when the matter is tested. This annoyed Dennington very much.

Dennington is of Irish extraction, rather out of joint in an educational way, as well as in body. Bro. Trice said of him: "Dennington, you have two strong points - a strong voice and a winsome smile." I have never heard one who could holler as loud. Often it looked as if every pore of his face would burst out in blood. His position in the stand is often ludicrous. Had he even a rudimentary education, he might be a power. He tries to use his lack of education and gain sympathy from the audience - says bro. Trice "poked fun" at him who had no chance for an education. He seems absolutely devoid of any sensitivity of soul in misstating his opponent, partly due to misunderstanding. He shows his is acquainted only with the old squibs and quibbles of Baptist debaters, for he refuses to attempt to answer anything new. He never once called is "Campbellites," but grew angry in the last session.

Bro. Ira Douthitt moderated for bro. Trice. Brethren present: Boone Douthitt, W.J. Butler, Stanley Jones, Jewel Cox, Garvin Curd, Charlie Taylor, Will Warren, John Taylor, F. Lorain Paisley, Alonzo Williams.