Someone Should Do Something About That

Someone Should Do Something About That
By Johnathan Dobbs

The other day I was in a grocery store checking out in one of their self-check lines. As I was scanning my items I noticed that there was a price discrepancy with one of my items. It was a minor issue, but it was the second time I'd noticed it for that item, so I decided to let the closest cashier know.

She told me I needed to let someone know about that. Seriously, that's what she said to me.

I told her I thought I just did, and she told me I needed to alert the management. Well, I have no idea who the managers are in this store, so I asked her if she could get one since I didn't know them.

Fortunately, she did, and everything was resolved smoothly. However, it got me thinking about how much I see this attitude in all walks of society -- even our churches.

This woman basically said "someone should do something about that". It didn't dawn on her until later that she was the person who needed to do something. Once she finally realized her role in the situation things happened the way they were supposed to.

Have you ever seen something that needed to be done and thought "someone should do something about that"? I know exactly who is supposed to do something. YOU!

We pray to God to send someone to reach our friends for Christ. Well, He sent YOU! We walk into the church buildings and criticize something that is out of place or broken, and by your diagnosis you are probably the best person to do something about that. You've noticed what others have missed. Congratulations! You have a role to fill.

When we relegate the responsibilities that God has given us to others who are "supposed to" be doing that then we miss out on our calling from God. Is your friend ill and in need of some yard work? What a great opportunity to serve in the name of Jesus.

What if Jesus looked down upon earth at all of us rank heathen sinners and simply said "someone should do something about that"? We'd still be lost in sin. Thank God He didn't. But He calls us to emulate Jesus in our lives as well.

Is there something that needs to be done? Do it! Or find someone who can and offer your help.

Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

What can you do this week? How can you glorify God by no longer hoping someone else would do the things you have been called to do? May your life and the lives of those around you be blessed as you realize your potential in Christ.


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