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B. L. Douthitt vs J. M. Hooker (Baptist)
January 25, 1923
Folsomdale, Kentucky

(By Coleman Overby)

Debate at Folsomdale, Kentucky in Graves County, December 12-15. Two days each on Baptism and Apostasy.

Hooker is above the average debater among the Baptists, and he made a hard fight to establish the cause that he espoused. The earnestness with which he contended for a losing cause was appreciated.

Bro. Douthitt is a young man - only 24 years of age, in spite of youthfulness, he proved to be more than a master of the situation. There are three ways in which he had decidedly the advantage: (1) He is a Christian. (2) He knows how to handle "aright the word of truth". (3) He knows how to "contain" himself. Possessing these prerequisites Jim Hooker had no more than sheathed his "Baptistic sword" until this brother with only a few chosen stones of God's eternal truth laid him to rest and routed the army of his advisors. After the second speech, Hooker realized he was fighting a losing battle.

The discussion was well attended, and, with few exceptions, was free from personalities that so often mar debates. It is believed that much good will result from this splendid work.

Coleman Overby moderated for Douthitt. E. C. Crawford, Mayfield, Kentucky, moderated for Hooker.

