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J. M. Brandon vs Bogard
September 24, 1908
Ford's Well, Yolabusha County, Mississippi

(By Lee Jackson)

August 11-15 at Ford's Well, Yolabusha County, Mississippi. The writer preached every night at Hatton, three miles from debate.

In the discussion of the "church" Bogard gained an advantage over young Brandon by leading him into ecclesiastical history where he was not prepared to go. This advantage could not have been gained if the discussion had been confined to scriptural investigations, for in all respects Brandon showed himself to be more than Bogard's equal in handling the scriptures on most of the points.

On apostasy Bro. Brandon gained a great advantage over Bogard in the minds of all unbiased persons present, showing himself well prepared to clearly and strongly present the scriptural teaching on that subject. In two of his speeches on this subject, he presented the arguments as ably as this writer has ever had the privilege of hearing them presented.

The probability now is that some more debating with Elder Bogard will be had in Mississippi before many more moons shall have passed by. He is a very fluent and apt speaker, and especially quick at seeing every advantage that presents itself in a debate.

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