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A. P. Jackson vs I. N. Penick (Missionary Baptist)
June 13, 1901
Palmersville, Tennessee

(By Unknown)

Held at Palmersville, Tenn. March 5-8

Johnson affirmed for two days that "Baptism is a condition of pardon," and presented strong arguments, some of which threw Penick in a very closed place when he tried to answer. I do not think I have ever seen a man more tangled on anything than Mr. Penick was on Gal. 3:26,27. Bro. Jackson got him in such close quarters that he finally ran from the real argument. All the Christians were well pleased with the strong defense of the truth.

Mr. Penick affirmed: "The church was set up during Christ's personal ministry. On this position he was driven from one scripture to another. Many of Johnson's arguments were never noticed. All the notice Penick gave was: "He arrays scripture against scripture." But the audience saw that the passages contradicted Penick. Crowds were good, conduct of both men was splendid.

