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Name: F.H. Gates 
E-Mail: fh.gates@highlandheights.org 
Comments: Hey Tom!
I hope to see you today at the preachers' luncheon in Lebanon.
May God continue to bless you and Jo for His glory!
F.H. :-)

E-Mail: jack4570@att.net 
Comments: As an Elder at Mt. Juliet church of Christ I've been tasked with developing a "Policy Manual" to address issues of same-sex marriage and use of our building.  We want to avoid legal and public perception problems such that the Murfreesboro church recently encountered when they asked the Boy Scouts to find another location for their meetings.  If you have a policy statement for Pennington Bend, would you be willing to share that with me as an aid in our work to write our Policy Manual?
Thank you
(615) 453-4200

Name: Charles and Vicki Yawn 
E-Mail: charlesandvicki@gmail.com 
Comments: So sorry that we have to rush away as soon as services are over when we visit.  Charles II has to work that night and needs to get to bed ASAP.
Thanks for all you do for the Lord and His church!
Charles and Vicki

Name: keijo 
E-Mail: keijo.leppioja@hotmail.com 
Comments: I will start this greeting for you in joy of the lord with share my thanksgivng for goodness in God who will send his  powerful revival around the world and let this begin in my  home and from my the city with pouring of the HOly Spirits power and joy and inspirer us to surrender to  deeds of   gospel and prayers and awake up for  Jesus is coming soon with joy to us and liberty from all who will bind us,thanks and bless and joy,keijo swedn

Name: Jo Martin  
E-Mail: garrylmartin@yahoo.com 
Comments: This Sunday (4/4) I will be attending your services before meeting with other family members to travel on to West Virginia to visit my mother.  My husband, Garry Martin, preaches for the Tiplersville, MS congregation.  Some of our members (The Bell family) have attended your services in years' past when traveling in your area.  I look forward to meeting with you on Sunday morning.

Name: Jo Martin  
E-Mail: garrylmartin@yahoo.com 
Comments: This Sunday (4/4) I will be attending your services before meeting with other family members to travel on to West Virginia to visit my mother.  My husband, Garry Martin, preaches for the Tiplersville, MS congregation.  Some of our members (The Bell family) have attended your services in years' past when traveling in your area.  I look forward to meeting with you on Sunday morning.

Name: Darrick Shepherd  
Comments: I was searching the internet and ran across your website. I attended the Future Preachers Training Camp at Pennington Bend for many years. I am glad that I got to attend the camp. I will always remember my brown eyed girl!!

Name: Jason Shepherd 
Comments: Good to see that FPTC is still going strong. This program changed my life forever. I miss being a part of this great program, lots of good memories. Morton''s salt anyone? Hopefully I will be able to stop in and say hello sometime. God bless.

Name: Eric Minchey 
Comments: Attended the Future Preacher's Camp here in the past.  Will be serving as A Chaplain Assistant in the US Army in the fall.

E-Mail: cvpjr@ bellsouth .net 
Comments: I was surfing the net and happened upon your website and it brought back some precious memories, you see I was a member of the very first Press Agents For Christ, now known as Futere Preachers Training Camp class.  Brother Don Craighead was the head instructor and there were about 10 of us I believe.  I came back the following year as a counselor and enjoyed it even more.  Because of certain circumstances I didn't become a Minister but because of a session we had I became a Police Officer.  I spent 25 years as a policeman, the last 12 as a Chief of Police.  I will always remember my times there and the people I met and grew to love.  Those times helped me through some critical moments in life by giving me a relationship with my Father and Jesus I may have never had otherwise.  Thanks to all the wonderful people at Pennington Bend for what they did for a scared teenager.
In Christian Love
p.s.  Could I get on the mailing lost for Bulletins and such?  My address is
8011 Barren Fork Lane
Bon Aqua, Tennessee  37025

E-Mail: cvpjr@ bellsouth .net 
Comments: I was surfing the net and happened upon your website and it brought back some precious memories, you see I was a member of the very first Press Agents For Christ, now known as Futere Preachers Training Camp class.  Brother Don Craighead was the head instructor and there were about 10 of us I believe.  I came back the following year as a counselor and enjoyed it even more.  Because of certain circumstances I didn't become a Minister but because of a session we had I became a Police Officer.  I spent 25 years as a policeman, the last 12 as a Chief of Police.  I will always remember my times there and the people I met and grew to love.  Those times helped me through some critical moments in life by giving me a relationship with my Father and Jesus I may have never had otherwise.  Thanks to all the wonderful people at Pennington Bend for what they did for a scared teenager.
In Christian Love
p.s.  Could I get on the mailing lost for Bulletins and such?  My address is
8011 Barren Fork Lane
Bon Aqua, Tennessee  37025

Name: Bro Robert W. Catlin 
E-Mail: robertcatlin@aol.com 
Comments: I am a member of the 40th Ave. Church of Christ and a student at the Nashvile School of Preaching.  I love your website!  We may want to send two or three young men to Future Preachers Training Camp.  Thanks.

Name: B.D. Phillips 
E-Mail: bdphillips61@hotmail.com 
Comments: The congregation of the Lord’s church at Town Creek, Alabama sends their greetings and would like to welcome the Pennington Bend congregation to the Lord’s Way. Our earnest prayer is that you will find your new website a useful and powerful tool for reaching out to a lost and dying world for the cause of our Lord. If we can ever be of service to you please let us know. May God bless you in all your efforts for the cause of Christ.

His servants and yours,
church of Christ
Town Creek, Alabama
B. D. Phillips

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