Search TV News Letter

At SEARCH, we are committed to the truth of God's Word.  The Scriptures are inspired, inerrant, and all-sufficient.  They provide God's complete and unchanging instructions for His people, the church.  To go beyond their teaching is presumptuous.  We have no right to add doctrines or to take away from what they teach.  

The common thinking today says each individual may become his own god and believe whatever his heart says.  Many assume they know what the Bible says but have never taken time to study it out for themselves.  Consequently, they are abandoning God's revealed will in their morals, their beliefs, and in their church practices.  

This is hardly different from the chaotic days of the judges in the Old Testament.  

"In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes" (Judges 21:25).

Amazingly, people claim to be spiritually educated yet reveal a gross neglect of what the Scriptures actually say.  Many worldly academics know a lot about the Bible but reveal little inclination to obey its teaching.

The Bible remains the best-seller of all books for all time.  No ancient book has been more copied, more studied, or more quoted.  In spite of this, people own more Bibles yet read less of them than any other book.  We give them to school children, to graduates, to new converts, and to prisoners.  

Our task is to point everyone to the Bible as the final, spiritual authority for all we do and believe.  The Scriptures possess the words of life as Christ revealed them.  There is no other source of eternal life.  

May the Lord be with you,

Phil Sanders
