Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources

Article 23 - Christ in Prophecy

Christ in Prophecy

Jon Gary Williams


The Bible has an overriding theme, a central thread that runs throughout. That theme can be expressed in the word "someone." In the Old Testament the theme is someone is coming. As the New Testament opens the theme of the four gospels is someone has come. Then from Acts to Revelation the theme is someone is coming again. That someone, of course, is Christ.

In this series attention is focused on the Old Testament perception of Christ, the facts that he would one day come and do many things. All this is found in the prophetic portions of the Old Testament scriptures. The prophets foretold of him and did so with remarkable detail. These inspired statements about Christ come from three sections of the Old Testament (Lk. 24:44).

These prophecies and their fulfillment are so unique they can only be attributed to Divine guidance. If this was not the case the only alternative is that there must have been an elaborate conspiracy to so arrange the life of Christ as to somehow match all these Old Testament prophecies. However, such a thought is completely illogical and erroneous.

I. The Messiah Is Promised

A. He would overcome Satan.
1. Gen. 3:15
2. Heb. 2:14 (cf. I Jn. 3:8; I Cor. 15:25,26)

B. Through him salvation is to come
1. Gen. 12:3; 22:18
2. Gal. 3:8 (cf. Acts 3:25)

C. A special child.
1. Isa. 9:6
2. Lk. 2:11

D. The Son of God.
1. Ps. 2:7
2. Matt. 3:16,17

II. The Time Of His Coming

A. In the last days
1. Is. 2:2,3
2. Lk. 24:47-49 (cf. Joel 2:28 & Acts 2:16,17)

B. In the days of the fourth world empire - Roman
1. Dan. 2:31-45
2. Lk. 2:1

C. In God's appointed time
1. Dan. 9:25
2. Gal. 4:4

III. His lineage, birth and early years

A. Descendant of Abraham
1. Gen. 22:18
2. Matt. 1:1

B. Of the tribe of Judah
1. Gen. 49:10
2. Heb. 7:14 (cf. Matt. 1:3 & 16)

C. The son of David
1. Jer. 23:5 (cf. Is. 11:1; Ps. 132:11)
2. Rom. 1:3 (cf. Acts 13:23; Matt. 1:1; 9:27)

D. Born of a virgin
1. Isa. 7:14
2. Matt. 1:21-23 (cf. Lk. 1:26-35)

E. Born in Bethlehem

1. Mic. 5:2
2. Matt. 2:4-6

F. The slaughter of the children

1. Jer. 31:15
2. Matt. 2:16-18

G. Flight to Egypt

1. Hos. 11:1
2. Matt. 2:14,15

IV. The Spirit given

A. Is. 42:1

B. Jn. 3:34

V. His character and nature

A. Wisdom and knowledge

1. Is. 11:1-3
2. Lk. 2:40, 52 (cf. I Cor. 1:30)

B. Love and righteousness
1. Ps. 45:7
2. Heb. 1:9

C. Love of God's will

1. Ps. 40:7,8
2. Heb. 10:7 (cf. Lk.22:42)

D. Meekness and gentleness

1. Is. 42:1-3
2. Matt. 12:17-20 (cf. II Cor.10:1)

E. Love for his people
1. Is. 40:11
2. Jn. 10:11,14

VI. His ministry

A. His forerunner

1. Is. 40:3,4
2. Lk. 3:4-6 (cf. Matt. 3:3; Mk. 1:3; Jn. 1:23)

B. A prophet like Moses
1. Deut. 18:15,18,19
2. Acts 3:22,23

C. He would teach in Galilee
1. Is. 9:1,2
2. Matt. 4:13-16

D. His work and purpose

1. Isa. 61:1
2. Lk. 4:16-21

E. Would teach in parables
1. Ps. 78:2
2. Matt. 13:34,35

F. Some would not understand his parables

1. Is. 6:9,10
2. Matt. 13:13-15

G. Would heal the sick
1. Is. 53:4
2. Matt. 8:16,17

H. Would perform miracles
1. Is. 35:5,6
2. Lk. 7:19-22

I. Zeal for the house of God
1. Ps. 69:9(a)
2. Jn. 2:13-17

J. Triumphal entry in to Jerusalem
1. Zech. 9:9
2. Matt. 21:1-11

K. Rejected by men
1. Ps. 118:22
2. Matt. 21:42-45

VII. His suffering and death

A. Conspired against

1. Ps. 2:1-3
2. Acts 4:24-28

B. Would suffer reproaches for others
1. Ps. 69:9(b)
2. Rom. 15:3

C. Betrayed by a friend
1. Ps. 41:9
2. Jn. 13:18

D. Betrayed for thirty pieces of silver

1. Zech. 11:12
2. Matt. 26:14,15

E. Thirty pieces of silver used to buy potter's field
1. Zech. 11:13
2. Matt. 27:6-10

F. Forsaken by his disciples

1. Zech. 13:7
2. Matt. 26:31 (cf. v.56)

G. Beaten and spat upon

1. Is. 50:6
2. Matt. 26:67; 27:30

H. Silent through suffering
1. Is. 53:7
2. Matt. 27:12-14

I. Mocked and scorned
1. Ps. 22:6-8
2. Matt. 27:39-43 (cf. Mk.15:29,30; Lk.23:35,36)

J. Nailed to a cross

1. Ps. 22:16
2. Jn. 20:25-27

K. Crucified with thieves
1. Is. 53:12
2. Mk. 15:27,28

L. Clothes gambled for
1. Ps. 22:18
2. Matt. 27:35

M. No bones broken
1. Ps. 34:20
2. Jn. 19:33-36

N. Given gall and vinegar
1. Ps. 69:21
2. Matt. 27:34

O. Made intercession for his adversaries
1. Isa. 53:12
2. Lk. 23:34

P. Buried with the rich

1. Isa. 53:9
2. Matt. 27:57-60

Q. Raised before his body corrupted

1. Ps. 16:10
2. Acts 2:25-31

R. Ascended to heaven

1. Ps. 68:18
2. Eph. 4:8-10 (see Lk.24:51)

VIII. His kingship

A. Reigning on the throne of David

1. Ps. 132:11
2. Acts 2:30,31

B. Ruling at God's right hand
1. Ps. 110:1
2. Acts 2:32,33 (cf. Eph. 1:20,21)

C. Rule until all enemies subdued
1. Ps. 110:1
2. Acts 2:34,35 (cf. I Cor. 15:25,26)

D. To be a priest and king

1. Zech. 6:13 (cf. Ps. 110:4)
2. Heb. 5:5,6

IX. Pointing to the prophets

Citing the Messianic prophecies was fundamental to the preaching done by the early church. The message of the coming of the Messiah (Christ) was the heart of the gospel message. Preachers made it their objective to prove that Jesus was the fulfillment of many Old Testament prophecies. Much of the New Testament, especially the book of Acts, is a record of their preaching. The following passages illustrate how this was done.

A. Peter in Jerusalem - Acts 3:18

B. Peter at the house of Cornelius in Caesarea - Acts 10:43

C. Paul in Antioch of Pisisia
- Acts 13:29

D. Paul before king Agrippa in Jerusalem - Acts 26:22,23,27

E. Paul before non-Christian Jews in Rome - Acts 28:23

F. Paul writing to the Romans
- Rom. 1:1-3; Rom. 16:25,26

G. Peter writing to the "strangers scattered" - I Pet. 1:10-12

It was important that people be shown how the life of Jesus so perfectly fit the earmarks of the Old Testament Messianic prophecies. This was convincing evidence that compelled people (both Jew and Gentile) to accept Jesus as the Christ, the anointed one of God.