Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources

Article 0119 - The Blind Faith of Mormonism

The Blind Faith of Mormonism
Practicing a Religion That Is Not Believed

Jon Gary Williams

For those who have had in-depth studies with Mormons, it is understood that many live under a canopy of blind faith. When challenged with problems found in the Book of Mormon, these folks will oftentimes put aside common sense and turn to a blind faith - - a faith overseen and controlled by the Mormon church. Seldom, if ever, will they seek investigation. For fear of excommunication they dare not openly question the teachings of the church.

There are, however, instances when Mormons observe the errors of the Book of Mormon, yet due to the rigid, manipulating structure of this religion, they are compelled to simply overlook those discovered faults in the book.

Among these members are some who are honest enough to admit the flaws in the Book of Mormon are real and that the book is fraudulent. Yet, they will remain in the Mormon church for a different reason - - they do not want to lose their long-held relationships in the church. They stay on and keep their doubtful opinions quiet. Below is an example of such hypocritical reasoning.

The following excerpts are from a letter written years ago by Thomas Stuart Ferguson,
a highly-regarded Mormon, to a couple who were questioning their faith in Mormonism. For many years Ferguson was a strong believer both in Mormonism and in Joseph Smith as a prophet. He was responsible for founding the New World Archaeological Foundation at Brigham Young University. For several decades Thomas sought to locate archaeological evidence which might authenticate the Book of Mormon. Failing to discover such evidence, he finally concluded that the Book of Mormon was nothing more than fiction. However, in order to maintain good relationships with family and friends he superficially remained a Mormon.

In this letter Ferguson revealed his hypocritical approach to Mormon belief as well as his growing disregard for belief of any kind - - he became agnostic toward his professed faith in Mormonism. His advice to this couple is both shocking and revealing. While he clearly exclaimed his disbelief in Mormonism, he encouraged them to follow his example, stay the course and overlook their doubts about the Mormon church. As he indicated, such hypocritical regard to religious faith is common among members of the Mormon church.

Mr. Ferguson asked the couple to keep his words confidential. However, those who years later obtained possession of the letter chose to make its contents known. Following are the excerpts as they appeared in the May/June 2018 issue of the Ex-Mormons for Jesus publication.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. -- ,
This is in reply to your letter of 
-- . In the December issue of Reader's Digest is an article on the importance of myths to the human family. People must believe in something (otherwise we face the abyss of death and extinction). Mormonism is probably the best conceived myth-fraternity to which one can belong... Joseph Smith tried so hard to put himself out on a limb with the Book of Abraham, and also with the Book of Mormon. He can be refuted - but why bother when all religion is based on myth...

Why not just say the right things and keep your membership in the great fraternity, enjoying the good things you like and discarding the ones you can't swallow (and keeping your mouth shut)? Hypocritical? Maybe. But perhaps a realistic way of dealing with a very difficult problem. There is lots left in the Church to enjoy - and thousands of members have done, and are doing, what I suggest you consider doing. Silence is golden... Precious few believers will you change - no matter how the evidence mounts. They believe because they want to believe... So why try to be heroic and fight the myths - the Mormon one or any other that does more good than ill.

Perhaps you and I have been spoofed by Joseph Smith. Now that we have the inside dope - why not spoof a little back and stay aboard? Please consider this letter confidential - for obvious reasons. I want to stay aboard the good ship... Belonging with my eyes wide open is actually fun... and no strain at all... I never get up and bear testimony - but I don't mind listening to others who do...

You might give my suggestions a trial run - and if you find you have to burn all the bridges between yourselves and the Church, then go ahead and ask for excommunication. The day will probably come - but it is far off - when the leadership of the Church will change the excommunication rules and delete as grounds, non-belief in the two books mentioned and in Joseph Smith as a prophet, etc.
I have tried to help you the best I can.

Kind regards, Thomas Stuart Ferguson

Mr. Ferguson, in essence, told this couple that faith in any religion, including Mormonism, is nothing more than myth. So, his advice was to just remain in the church and play the game, disregarding any negative concerns about Mormonism. Though it would be denied, this describes precisely the practice of untold numbers of Mormons.

Another Example of Mormon Blind Faith

Several years ago while discussing the Book of Mormon with a long-time Mormon, I showed him a passage from the Book of Mormon (III Nephi 15:21) which was, word for word, the same passage as is found in the Bible's King James translation (John 10:16).

Since the Book of Mormon was supposedly written on gold plates in about 421 A.D., and since the King James version did not appear until 1611 A.D., I asked him to explain how this could be. It was obvious that he was unaware of this problem.

His first reaction was to say that this was just coincidence. I then pointed out that in the King James translation this passage contains an italicized word "and" which was supplied by the translators for the sake of clarity. Interestingly enough, this same word is found italicized in the Mormon passage. This, of course, ruled out any possibility of coincidence; the passage in the Book of Mormon was obviously plagiarized from the Bible's 1611 King James translation.

I politely encouraged him to give some serious thought to this. Later, when mentioning the problem to him again, his only response was simply, "Isn't it amazing how God can work things." He then broke off our discussion.

We would think that such a glaring example of fraud would cause one to back away from the Book of Mormon and take note. This man, like many others, had been conditioned to follow the path of blind faith in Mormonism.

When attempting to teach adherents of the Mormon religion, it is important to keep in mind how deep-rooted they may be in their rationale. To have any success in studying with a Mormon, penetrating this barrier is essential.

My book, The Book of Mormon - A Book of Error and Fraud, is a detailed analysis of the Book of Mormon and provides evidence for the book's human origin. If you would like a free copy, please contact me using the link at the bottom of this page.