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Article 74 - Difficult Words...

Difficult Words in the King James Version

Jon Gary Williams

The original King James version of the Bible was written in Middle English style, but with the passing of time the English language underwent many changes. Hence, as later revisions of the King James Version were published archaic words were updated with more current terms.

The standard King James Version, which is still used by many today, retains a number of such archaic words difficult for the average reader understanding. Being aware of the meaning of these older terms can help one come to a better understand the text. While a few of these words are easy to understand, many are more difficult.

Here is an alphabetical list of such words along with their more current meanings.

Abba - Mk. 14:36
Aramaic term - akin to Hebrew
repetition of words - a form of emphasis. (also Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:6)

Abjects - Ps. 35:15
An adjective used as a noun - "smiter" "attacker" - an outcast

Adamant (stone) - Zech. 7:12

"hard" - a substance harder than "flint"
Here it is used in a figuratively of man's heart. (also Ezek. 3:9)

Adjure - Acts 19:13

A verb meaning "put under oath" - a command to do. (also I Sam. 14:24)

Admire - II Thess. 1:10

"marvel" "wonder" - glorifying with marvel

Ado - Mk. 5:39 used different ways

"fuss" "bother"
"noise" - Matt. 9:23; Acts 17:5
"uproar" - Acts 17:5

Advertise - Num. 24:14

"warn" "inform" "notify" (also Ruth 4:4)

Advise - II Sam. 24:13

"ponder" - to "consider" (NIV - "think it over")

Affect - Gal. 4:17

"impress" - to "influence" "win over"

Affinity - two different uses

I Kings 3:1 - an alliance - made by marriage
II Chron. 18:1 - "companionship" "friendship"

After that - used two different uses

Matt. 27:31 - "after" - found several times
I Cor. 1:21 - "seeing that" "since"

Against - Ex. 7:15

"by the time" (also II Kings 16:11)

Alms - Acts 3:3

a "good deed" (also Acts 10:31)

Amerce - Deut. 22:19

"fine" "punish"

Angle - Is. 19:8

"hook" (as of a fishhook) (also Hab. 1:15)

Anon - Matt. 13:20


Any thing - Num. 17:13

"at all" "even"

Arguments - Job 23:4


Assay - Acts 9:26

"try" - "attempt"

Astonied - Job 17:8 (found several times)


Attendance - two uses

I Tim. 4:13 - to "heed" "give "attention"
Heb. 7:13 - "service"

Audience - two uses

Gen. 23:10 - "hearing" (found several times)
Acts 13:16 - "attention" (found several times)

Author -
two uses
Heb. 5:9 - "originator" "creator" "first cause"
Heb. 12:2 - "leader" "ruler"

Avoided - I Sam. 18:11

"leave" "depart" "withdraw"

Avouch - Deut. 26:17,18

"acknowledge" (as one's own)

Away with - Is. 1:13

"bear with"

Awe - Ps.4:4

"anger" "rage"
Notice the NT citation - Eph. 4:26
Bakemeats - Gen. 40:17
"baked foods" - food in general - probably pastry food

Balancing - Job 37:16

The poising of the clouds

Barbarian - I Cor. 14:11; Col. 3:11

One foreign to the Greek language - thought to be uneducated
Plural - Acts 28:4; Rom. 1:14
Once "barbarous" - Acts 28:2

Base - II Cor. 10:1

"meek" "lowly"
Also morally low - Acts 17:5; Job 30:8 (children of men with no good name)

Bdellium - Gen. 2:12

Different explanations offered - most probably precious mineral
A color like that of manna Num. 11:7

Beast - Rev. 4:6ff

"living creatures" - not something evil or bad
Context explains - they worshiped God (v. 6-11)

Beeves - Lev. 22:19

Probably a bullock (young bull) - ASV
Plural - v. 21 - "herds"

Before that - Gal. 2:12

"before" - found several times

Beguile - Col. 2:18

"cheat" "defraud" "rob"

Behoved - Lk. 24:46

"necessary" - "needful"
Also Heb. 2:17 - "fitting" "proper"

Besom - Is. 14:23


Bethink - I Kings 8:47

"remember" - to "recall" (a reflective term)

Betimes - Gen. 26:31

Prov. 13:24 - "diligently" "when needed"

Bewray - Matt. 26:73

Means to "expose" - to "make known" "betray"

Bishopric - Acts 1:20


Bittern - Is. 14:23

"hedgehog" "porcupine"

Blain - Ex. 9:9

"blister" "swelling"

Botch - Deut. 28:27, 35

"swollen sore" "boil"

Bowels -
two uses
II Chron. 21:15 - "intestines"
Col. 3:12 - figuratively - "feelings" "compassion"

Bray - Prov. 27:22
Brigandine - Jer. 46:4; 51:3

"coat of armor"

Bruit - Jer. 10:22; Nahum 9:13

"report" "rumor"

Buckler - I Chron. 5:18


Buffet - Matt. 26:67; I Cor. 4:11; I Pet. 2:20

II Cor.12:7 - used metaphorically

Bunch - Is. 30:6

"humps" "bumps" - as a camel's back
Cab - II Kings 6:25
"a dry measurement" - about 2 quarts

Calvary - Lk. 23:33

"place of a skull" - Latin for "Golgotha"

Calamus - Ex. 30:23

"reed" - a type of "cane"

Canker - II Tim. 2:17

"burning ulcer" "gangrene"
In Jam. 5:3 - "cankered"

Cankerworm - Joel 1:4; Nah. 3:15

plant-eating worm

Carbuncle - Ex. 28:17 Isa. 54:12 and elsewhere

"red gem stone"

Carnal - "fleshly" -
two uses
I Cor. 3:1,3 - bad sense
Rom. 15:27 - good sense

Casement - Prov. 7:6


Chafe - II Sam. 17:8

"irritate" "to be irritated"

Chambering - Rom. 13:13


Chapiter - I Kings 7:16

Top of a column - the "cap"

Choler - Dan. 8:7; Dan. 11:11

"anger" "bitterness"

Churl - Is. 32:7

"rude" "ill-bread"
I Sam. 25:3 - "churlish"

Cleanness of teeth - Amos 4:6

"famine" "nothing to eat"

Clout - Josh. 9:5

Jer. 38:11 - "worn out rags"

Cloven - Acts 2:3; Deut. 14:7

"divided" or "split"

Cockatrice - Is. 14:29

"venomous snake" "adder"

Cogitation - Dan. 7:28

"meditation" "thoughts"

College - II Kings 22:14; I Chron. 34:22

"second part" - outer (newer) section of the city

Confederacy -
two uses
Obad. 7 - "an agreement"
Is. 8:12 - "a conspiracy"

Conversant - Josh. 8:35

"dwelling among" "sojourners"

Conversation -
two uses
Phil. 3:20 - "citizenship"
Phil. 1:17 - "life" "manner of life" also II Pet. 3:11

Cor - Ezek.45:14

"liquid measurement" - about 100 quarts

Cormorant - Is. 34:11

Also Zeph. 2:14

Cornfloor - Hos. 9:1

"threshing floor"

Cote - II Chron. 32:28


Cracknel - I Kings 14:3

"a small, dry cake" "cakes"

Crisping pin - Is. 3:22

"curling iron"
In the Hebrew - "a bag" (probably to carry a woman's items)

Curious - Ex. 35:22; Acts 19:19

"detailed, calculated deception"
Dam - Ex. 22:30 Deut. 22:6ff
A mother of birds - or a mother of any type animal

Deal (as in tenth deals) - Num. 15:9

"tenth part"
Debate - Rom. 1:29; II Cor. 12:20

"strife" "fight"

Desert - Acts 8:26
"deserted area"

Dirt - Judg. 3:22
Discipline - Job 36:10

"instruction" (so ASV)

Discover - Prov. 25:9
"uncover" "reveal"

Dispensation -
two uses
Col. 1:25 - "administration" "stewardship" (also I Cor. 9:17; Eph. 3:2)
Eph. 1:10 - "arrangement"

Divers - Heb. 1:1; Mk. 13:8; Acts 19:9


Duke - Gen. 36:15 (ff - 30)

"chief" "leader"

Dulcimer - Dan. 3:5, 10, 15

"type of bagpipe"
Emulation - two uses
Gal. 5:20 - bad sense "jealousy"
Rom. 11:14 - good sense "zeal" (jealous zeal)

Engage - Jer. 30:21

"pledge" (having surety to approach God)

Environ - Josh. 7:9

"to encircle" "to surround" "compass"

Ere - Jn. 4:49


Espy -
two uses
Gen. 42:27 - "to see"
Josh. 14:7 - "to spy"

Exact - Ps. 89:22

"extortion" "to extort"

Expired - Acts 7:30

"to end"
Fallow - two uses
Deut. 14:5; I Kings 4:23 "pale, yellowish brown"
Jer. 4:3; Hos. 10:12 "uncultivated" "untilled"

Fame - Gen. 45:16


Farthing -
two uses
Matt. 10:29, etc. - English coin - Greek "assarion" - coin of least value
Matt. 5:26 - Greek "quadrans" another coin of little value

Fats - Joel 2:24 (3:13)

"large container" "tub" "vat"

Feebleminded - I Thess. 5:14

"fainthearted" "spiritually despondent" - from word meaning "small soul"

Fein -
two uses
II Sam. 14:2 - "pretend"
II Pet. 2:3; Ps. 17:1 - "to shape" "to mold" - deceitfully

Felloe - I Kings 7:33

"rim" - the outside part of a wheel

Fens - Job 40:21

"marsh" "swamp"

Finer - Prov. 25:4

Fining - Prov. 17:3; 27:21

Firkin - Jn. 2:6

English weight measure - Greek "metretes" - equivalent to 1/3 barrel

Flote - used two ways

II Chron. 2:16 - "a fleet"
I Kings 5:9 - "float"

Flux - Acts 28:8

"dysentery" (diarrhea)

Foreswear - Matt. 5:33

"swear falsely"

Forthwith - Matt. 13:5 found several times


Fray - Deut. 28:26; Jer. 7:33; Zech. 1:21


Froward - I Pet. 2:18; Prov. 16:28

"disobedient" "perverse"

Furlong - Lk. 24:13

English measure of distance - about 220 yards
Gainsay - Lk. 21:15
"contradict" "oppose" "speak against"
Other forms - Gainsayers Tit. 1:9; Gainsaying Acts 10:29; Rom. 10:21; Jude 11

Ghost -
two uses
Matt.27:50 - "soul" "life" (cf. Gen. 25:8, etc.)
Matt.1:18 - used with "Holy" (i.e. "Holy Ghost") - synonymous with "Holy Spirit"

Gier (eagle) - Lev. 11:18

"unclean bird"
Maybe an Egyptian vulture (not to be eaten by the Jews)

Gins - Ps. 140:5
Glege - Deut. 14:13

"bird of prey" (another unclean bird not to be eaten by the Jews)

Glutton - Deut. 21:20; Prov. 23:21

"vile person" "scoundrel"

Goodliness - Is. 40:6

Another form - e.g. Matt. 13:45 - goodly ("beautiful")

Goodman - Matt. 20:11; Matt. 24:43; Lk. 12:39

"a householder"
In OT - sometimes good man

Gravity - I Tim. 3:4; Tit. 2:7

"dignity" "honesty" "having respect"

Greaves - I Sam. 17:6

"armor" (to protect the fore legs - shins)
Habergeon - Neh. 4:16
"a coat of mail"

Haft - Judg. 3:22

"handle" (of a dagger or knife)

Hale - Lk. 12:58

"to draw or drag" (before a court)
Another form - haling - Acts 8:3

Hand breadth - Ex. 25:25

Hebrew measure of length

Hap - Ruth 2:3

"by chance" "fortune" "luck"
Another form - haply - I Sam. 14:30; II Cor. 9:4

Harness - I Kings 22:34

"coat of armor"
Verb form - harnessed - Ex. 13:18

Haunt - I Sam. 23:22

"frequent" "frequently"
Verb form - I Sam. 30:31

Heady - II Tim. 3:4

"headstrong" "rash"

Heavily - Ps. 35:14

Noun form - heaviness - Rom. 9:2

Helve - Deut. 19:5

"handle" (of an ax)

Hip and thigh - Judg. 15:8

Figuratively - "thoroughly" "completely"
The leg - the most vulnerable part for a decisive blow

Holpen - Ps. 86:17; etc.

"to help"

Homer - Ezek. 45:11,13 ff

Dry measure - about 10 bushels

Hostage - II Kings 14:14

"a pledge" "a surety"

Hough - Josh. 11:6 etc.

"hock" "hamstring"

Howbeit - Matt. 17:21 (found many times)

Conjunction - "nevertheless"
Similar - howsoever - Judg. 19:20

Hungerbitten - Job 18:12

"to curb" "control" "bridled"
Ill favored - Gen. 41:3, 19, 20, 21, 27
"not attractive" (in appearance)
Contrasted with "well favored" (v. 4)

Imagery - Ezek. 8:12

"image worship" - idolatry

Imagination - Deut. 29:19; Jer. 23:17

"evil planning" (turning away from God to idols)
Many times refers to the "content of thought"

Implead - Acts 19:38

"accuse" - as before a court

Incontinent - II Tim. 3:3

"lack of self-control"
Another form - I Cor. 7:5 "incontinency"

Interpretation -
two uses (from two different Greek words)
I Cor. 12:10; 14:26 - means "translation" (as from one language to another)
II Pet. 1:20 - "to loose" "to reveal" (revealing of a message of by inspired men)
Jangling - I Tim. 1:6 ("vain jangling" - actually one word)
"empty clatter" - noisy, meaningless talk

Jesting - Eph. 5:4

"course jokes" "course taunts" "jeers" (ridicule)

Kine - two uses
Gen. 32:15 - "heifer"
Deut. 7:13 - "bull"

- Ex. 25:31-36 (8 times)

"ornamental knob"
Lancet - I Kings 18:28
"small spear" "dart")

Leasing (pronounced leezing) - Ps. 4:2; 5:6

"a lie" "deceit"

Leiser - Mk. 6:31

"freedom" "opportunity"

Length - Rom. 1:10; Prov. 29:21

"at the end" "at last"

Lien - Gen. 26:10; Jer. 3:2

"to lie down with" - sexual connotation

Liquor -
two uses (two Hebrew words)
Num. 6:3 Song of Solomon 7:2 - "alcohol"
Ex. 22:29 - any liquid - oil, milk, juices

Listed - Matt. 17:12 (Mk.9:13)

"to will" "to wish" "one's desire"
Also (eth) - Jn. 3:8; Jam. 3:4

Litter - Is. 66:20

"a covered vehicle" - for carrying people

Lucifer - Is. 14:12

"light bearer" (ASV - "day star")
Note: Not Satan - but a Babylonian king (see vv. 11-15)

Lucre - I Tim. 3:3,8; Tit. 1:7,11; I Pet. 5:2

"gain" (here, shameful gain)

Lunatick - Matt. 4:24

"moon struck" - epilepsy (people thought to be influenced by the moon)
Also Matt. 17:15 - of one who was demon possessed
Magnifical - I Chron. 22:5
"illustrious" "renowned"

Malefactor - Lk. 23:32,33,39; Jn. 18:30

"evil worker" (here, the evil work was robbery)

Marish(es) - Ezek. 47:11


Meet - Matt. 3:8; Deut. 3:18

"suitable" "appropriate" "qualified"
II Kings 10:3 - meetest

Meteyard - Lev. 19:35

"measuring stick"

Milch - Gen. 32:15


Minish(ed) - Ex. 5:19; Ps. 107:39

To "diminish"

 Mortify - Rom. 8:13; Col. 3:5

"put to death" "to kill"

Motions - Rom. 7:5

"affection" "passion" (the "inclination to")

Mufflers - Is. 3:19

"scarf" "veil"

Munition - Is. 29:7; 33:16; Nah. 2:1

"fortification" "stronghold" "defense"

Musick - Lk. 15:25

Naught - Prov. 20:14
Means "bad" (also II Kings 2:19)

Naughty - two uses (from different Hebrew words)

Prov. 17:4 - kin to "naught" - "bad"
Prov. 6:12 - "worthless"

Nave - I Kings 7:33

Means "hub of a wheel"

Neesing - Job 41:18

Means "sneezing"
Observation - Lk. 17:20
"attentive watching" "searching"
Note: Not casually observing

Occupied - Heb. 13:9

"one who trades in something" (here, sin)
Ezek. 27:27 - Noun

Occurent - I Kings 5:4

A "happening"

Operation(s) - Col. 2:12; I Cor. 12:6; Ps. 28:5

"the working of"

Ordain - two uses

Eph. 2:10; Heb. 9:6 - "prepare"
Acts 1:22; 10:42; 14:23 - "appoint"

Osee - Rom. 9:25

"Hosea" (names sometimes give condensed forms)

Ospray - halk Ossifrage - vulture Lev. 11:13

Ouch - Ex. 28:11ff

A "setting" "a mounting" (for a precious stone)
Palmer worm - Joel 1:4; 2:25; Amos 4:9

Paper reeds - Is. 19:7

"meadows" "green pastures"

Pare - Deut. 21:12

"prepare" "trim"

Particular - I Cor. 12:27

"individually" "severally"
Particularly - Acts 21:19; Heb. 9:5

Passenger - Prov. 9:15; Ezek. 39:15


Passion - Acts 1:3


Pate - Ps. 7:16

"crown of the head"

Peculiar - Tit. 2:14; I Pet. 2:9

"to be possessed" - belonging to another exclusively (here, to be owned by God)

Peeled - Is. 18:2,7

"pillage" "stripped" "made bare"

Peep - Is. 8:19

"chirp" "muttering" - sounds made by "wizards in incantations"

Penny - Matt. 20:2, 9, 10, 13

Monetary measure - Greek, denarion - a day's wage
Pence (Matt. 18:28) - plural of penny
Pennyworth - Jn. 6:7 - as much as a denarion would buy

Peradventure - Rom. 5:7

"perhaps" "erchance"
Found many times

Perfect - four uses

Lk. 1:3 - "accurate" "exact"
Eph. 4:13 - "mature" "full grown"
II Tim. 3:17 - "fitted" "made ready"
Matt. 5:48 - "complete"
Perfection - used two ways
Heb. 6:1 - "maturity"
Heb.7:11 - "completeness"
Col.3:14 - "completeness"

Performance - Lk. 1:35; II Cor. 8:11

"completion" - a carrying out

Pernicious - II Pet. 2:2

"lascivious" - lack of restraint

Pilled - Gen. 30:37, 38

"peel" - as to strip bark from a tree

Pit - Num. 16:30, 33

"grave" - sometimes refers to a well or a hole
Found over 60 times

Pitiful - Jam. 5:11; lI Pet.3:8

"companionate" "tenderhearted"
Not of one's own condition, but one's attitude toward others

Plaister - Deut. 27:2 (and a few other times)


Policy - Dan. 8:25

"wisdom" - shrewd wisdom

Post - II Chron. 30:6

"a runner" "a courier" "a messenger"

Pourtray - Ezek. 4:1; 8:10; 23:14

Older spelling of portray

Pransing - Judg. 5:22; Nahum 3:2

Older spelling of prancing

Prayed - Acts 10:48; 23:18

"to ask" "to request" (of man, not of God)

Presbytery - I Tim. 4:14


Pressfat - Haggai 2:16

"winepress" "vat for collecting wine"

Prevent - two uses

Ps. 119:147,148 - "to anticipate"
I Thess. 4:15; Ps. 88:13 - "to precede" "to come before"

Profiting - I Tim. 4:15


Prophesy(eth) - I Cor. 14:1

"to speak" "to preach" - note v. 1-5

Protest - I Cor. 15:31; Gen. 43:3

"affirm" "declare"

Purge - Jn. 5:2,3

"trim" "prune"

Purple - Acts 16:14

"cloth" - dyed with purple dye

Pygarg - Deut. 14:5

"a large light-colored antelope"
Quick - Acts 10:42
"living" - used as an adjective
Found three more times in NT - II Tim. 4:1; I Pet. 4:5; Heb. 4:12 - six times in OT
In other forms 25 times - quicken, quickened, quickeneth, quickening

Quit - three uses

I Cor. 16:13 - to "conduct"
Ex. 21:19 - to be "acquitted" - not responsible
Josh. 2:20 - to be "absolved" - freed of responsibility
Range - II Kings 11:8,15; II Chron. 23:14
"ranks" "rows" - as of soldiers

Reason - Acts 6:2

"not reasonable"

Record - two uses

Phil. 1:8; II Cor. 1:23 - to "witness"
Jn. 1:19 - to give "testimony"

Redound - II Cor. 4:15

"abound" "overflow"

Reins - Job 19:27

"seat of feelings"
Rev. 2:23 - of the heart

Rereward - Josh. 6:9, 13

Old variant spelling of rearward

Respect - Heb. 11:26; Gen. 4:5; Ps. 119:117

"give heed to" "pay attention to"

Ribband - Num. 15:38

"trimming" - of a garment (not a ribbon)

Riddance - Lev. 23:22; Zeph. 1:18

"clean up" "clean out"

Ringstraked - Gen. 30:35, 39

Circular streaks or stripes

Road - I Sam. 27:10

"raid" "raid" (as to assault)

Roller - Ezek. 30:21

Surgical bandage - long, rolled

Rude - II Cor. 11:6

"uninstructed" "untaught" (does not mean discourteous)
Sackcloth - Ps. 69:11
Sacking made of goat or camel hair - a sign of penitence or sorrow
Found about 40 times - only two times in NT - Rev. 6:12; 11:3

Saint - Phil. 4:21

In NT from a word (hagios) meaning "holy"
Phil. 4:21 - "salute every holy one" - identifies members of Christ's church

Satyr - Is. 13:21; 34:14

From a Hebrew word meaning "hairy one"
A wild, hairy beast - probably a mythical animal

Scall - Lev. 13:30-37 (11 times); 14:54

"scalp disease" "scurf"

Scholar - I Chron. 25:8; Mal. 2:12

"student or pupil" - not reference to a teacher

Schoolmaster - Gal. 24,25

From a word meaning "to lead a child" - not a teacher
One who escorts a child - one who takes boys to the synagogue

Science - I Tim. 6:20

"knowledge" "false knowledge"

Secret parts - I Sam. 5:9

"private parts"

Emerods - I Sam. 5:6, 9, 12; Deut. 28:27


Severally - I Cor. 12:11

"individually" "separately"

Shamefacedness - I Tim. 2:9


Share - I Sam. 13:20

Common middle-English word for "plowshare"

Sheepcote - I Sam. 24:3; II Sam. 7:8; I Chron. 17:7

"habitation" - a place where sheep rested - a pasture or shelter

Sheriffs - Dan. 3:2,3

"lawyers" - officers of the courts - those acquainted with law

Shew - two uses

Gen. 12:1 - "show" - middle English spelling of show
Ex. 25:30 - "row" - as in "shewbread" - tabernacle bread laid out in "rows"

Shut to - Lk. 13:25; Gen.19:10

Archaic way of saying "shut"

Silverling - Is. 7:23

Tiny piece of silver - small coin

Single - Matt. 6:22; Lk. 11:34

"simple" - "undivided" - used in a moral sense - not given to different ways of
living - bad or good

Singleness - Acts 2:46; Eph. 6:5; Col. 3:22

Singular - Lev. 27:2

"special" - a vow to be wondered at

Sister's son - Col. 4:10

anepsios - "cousin"

Sith - Ezek. 35:6

"since" "seeing that"

Smoke - Deut. 29:20

Figuratively - "to be angry as with fumes"

Snatch - Is. 9:20

"to cut" "to devour" - as a dog tears flesh
Figuratively - of Israel's internal anarchy and strife

Sod - Gen. 25:29; II Chron. 35:13


Soever -
a suffix attached to other words
Idea conveyed: "all" "any" "every"
Used with 4 words - "who..." "whom..." "when..." "what..."
Used as a separate word several times - Mk. 6:10

Solace - Prov. 7:18

"to amuse" "to entertain"

Sometime - Col. 1:21; I Pet. 3:20

"in the past" "at some past time"
in one instance separated into two words - Col. 3:7

Soothsayer - Dan. 2:27; 4:7; 5:11

Those who claimed special powers - fortune telling, divining, wizardry
Josh. 13:22 - of Balaam

Sore - Matt. 17:6,15; Mark 6:51; Acts 20:37

"very" "much" "greatly"
Many times in OT

Speed - II John 10; Gen. 24:12

"success" "advantage" "help"

Spue - Jer. 25:27

Older spelling of "spew"

Spunge - Matt. 27:48; Mk. 15:36; Jn. 19:29

Older spelling of "sponge"

Steel - II Sam. 22:35; Ps. 18:34; Job 20:24; Jer. 15:12

("steel" replaced with "brass")

Still - Ps. 84:4

"always" "ever" "continually"

Stomacher - Is. 17:18

An expensive ornamental garment worn on the front of the body

Stout - used two ways (from different words)

Mal. 3:13; Is. 10:12 - "haughty" "arrogant"
Dan.7:20 - "fierce"

Strait - two uses (from different words)

Matt. 7:13 Lk. 13:24 - "narrow"
I Sam. 13:6 - "a condition of distress"

Straightly - two uses (from different words)

Josh. 6:1 - "tightly"
Gen. 43:7 - "strongly" "strictly"

Strange - Gen. 35:2,4

Of pagan gods - "foreign" "alien"

Strange woman - Prov. 6:24; 20:16; 23:27; 27:13


Study - II Tim. 2:15

"to give diligence" "a concentrated effort"

Substance - Heb. 11:1

"basis" "grounds" "assurance"

Suffer - Matt. 19:14 Gen. 31:7

"to allow" "to permit"

Sundry - Heb. 1:1

"different" "many parts or portions"

Superstitious - Acts 17:22


Surmisings - I Tim. 6:4


Surname - Acts 1:23; 4:36; 10:5,18,32; 11:13; 12:12,25

"to put a name upon" "to add a name to" ("nickname")
Sometime the word "called" is used Acts 15:22, 37
Once translated "called" - Rom. 2:17

Surprise - Is. 33:14; Jer. 48:41

"to seize"
Tabering - Nahum 2:7
From "taber" - word for "small rum"- old spelling of "tabor"

Table(s) - Ex. 24:12; Heb. 9:4

"writing surface" (tablet)
Used literally and figuratively in same text - II Cor. 3:3

Tablet(s) - two uses

Ex. 35:22; Num. 31:50 - "gold ornament"
Is. 3:20 - probably a "perfume box"

Target(s) - I Kings 10:16

"buckler" "small shield"

Tax(ed) - Lk. 2:1,5

"to register" "to enroll"
Taxing - Acts 5:37

Tell - Gen. 15:5

"to number"

Throughly - Matt. 3:12; Lk. 3:17; II Cor. 11:6; II Tim. 3:17

"completely" - Middle-English of spelling "thoroughly"
Found a few times in OT

Tide - as a suffix

II Sam. 11:2 - "eveningtide"
Josh. 8:29 - "eventide"
Jer. 20:16 - "noontide"

Tire -
two uses
II Kings 9:30 - "to attire" "to dress"
Ezek. 24:17, 23 - "ornaments"

Token - Mk. 14:44

"a sign" "a signal"

Tortoise - Lev. 11:29

Consensus is that it refers to a "lizard" of some kind

Touching - Matt. 18:19; 22:31; Acts 24:21; I Cor. 8:1; I Th. 4:9

"concerning" "in reference to" "as regards"
OT 12 times NT 16 times

Traffick - (old spelling of traffic) - used two ways

Gen. 42:34 - verb -"trade" (once "traffickers" - Is. 23:8 - "traders")
Ezek. 28:5 - noun - "merchandise"

Translate -
two uses
II Sam. 3:10 - verb - "to transfer"
Col. 1:13 - "to change" (as from one state to another) cf. Heb. 11:5 - three times

Tree - Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29; I Pet. 2:24

Of Christ's crucifixion
From "stauros" - "strake"

Trow - Lk. 17:9

"to suppose" "to think"

Turtles - Lev. 15:29; Song of Solomon 2:12

"turtle doves"

Tutor - Gal. 4:2

Uncomely - two uses
I Cor. 12:23 - "unpresentable" - contrasted to "comely" ("presentable") v. 24
I Cor. 7:36 - verb form - "shamefully" (in this case, "to disgrace his daughter")

Undersetter - I Kings 7:30,34

"pedestal" "support" "prop"

Undertake - Is. 38:14

"surety" "confidence" "assurance"

Unequally - II Cor. 6:14

"unsuitably" - Greek, "of a different sort"

Ungodly -
two uses
Jude 4 - "irreverent" "impious" (compare, "ungodliness" Rom. 1:18)
Ps. 1:1; 18:4 - "wicked" "worthless"

Unicorn - Ps. 22:21

"wild ox" - found nine times
"unicorn" is a mythical animal

Untoward - Acts 2:40

"wicked" "crooked" (so in Lk. 3:5 Phil. 2:15)
Wanton(ness) - two uses
II Pet. 2:18; 13:13 - "lascivious" "promiscuous"
I Tim. 5:11 - "lustful" "self-indulgent" (to have sexual desire)

Ward - Acts 12:10

"guard" "body of guards" "garrison"

Wax - Lk. 13:19; Heb. 11:34; I Tim. 5:11

Progressive term - "to increase"

Waymarks - Jer. 31:21

"road signs"

Wen - Lev. 22:22


Whale - Matt. 12:40

"huge fish" "sea monster"

Wimple - Is. 3:22

"head covering"

Wit -
two uses
Ex. 2:4; II Cor. 8:1 - "to know"
II Cor. 5:19 - combined with "to..." - "that is to say" "namely"
Another form - wot - Acts 3:17

Wont - Lk. 22:39

"accustomed to" "used to"

Writing table - Lk. 1:63

