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Discussion Board
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Message - Grace Alone Posted By TNB on 3/29/2005 8:39:00 PM - Subscribe to this discussion here - Subscribe

This is a question for the Grace alone thinkers. At what point did Grace decend upon the earth? and if we are saved by "Grace alone" then at that point everybody is saved because there is nothing else to do.  If you add anything esle to this process then it is not "Grace alone"
Now if everybody is saved, why do we need the rest of the Bible? Why bother with repenting, oh, and never mind about confessing either or doing any of the other things that the Bible says to do after all, we are all saved. Oops almost forgot, this living right thing we sure should'nt bother with that ,right?

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Re: Grace Alone - Richard Thomas 3/30/2005 5:53:00 PM

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