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Message - Re: Grace Alone Posted By Richard Thomas on 3/30/2005 5:53:00 PM - Subscribe to this discussion here - Subscribe

Hey What's up TBN , I love your question. This is the kind of stuff that keeps us sharp at all times.
Now to your question on " SAVED BY GRACE ALONE", the main emphasis is on " ALONE ". When that word is used it implies that nothing else matters, even SCRIPTURES. We all know that in Eph.2:8 speaks about being saved by grace, but not grace alone. Why! because
Jn. 3:16 = saved by belief
1 Cor. 15: 1-4 = saved by the gospel
Col. 1:14 = saved by the blood of Christ
1 Pet. 3:21 = saved by baptism
Now here's where the rubber hits the road, if we are saved by GRACE ALONE then the bible, which is the word of GOD is FAULTY. HOW! because I gave you 5 means of salvation and you choose 1.
Question: Who are you to pick & choose how you want to serve the Master? I don't recall slaves having a choice as to who, what & how.
Eph. 5:17 = " Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the WILL OF THE LORD is".
I remember those heart tugging words of our Lord when the hour was coming near, " Not my will, but THY WILL BE DONE". The bible goes on to say that he was OBEDIENT UNTO DEATH OF THE CROSS!
If we are to be followers of Christ we have to submitt to the Whole not half will of GOD.
Out of the 5 choices that was given, the question is which 1 is right? The answer is ALL of them, watch this. In Mark 16:16 it covers ALL of the means.
Grace,Belief,Gospel,Blood & Baptism!  Grace is the Avenue for salvation Rom. 5, Gospel is preached, Belief is required , You contact the Blood in Baptism Rom. 6: 1-4

Let me finish it off with this.  1 Thess. 1:8 = " In flaming fire taking VENGEANCE on THEM that know not GOD, AND THAT OBEY NOT THE GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST".
Are we saved by Grace ( YES )  Are we saved by Grace Alone ( I've given you 5 ) Nuff said!!!!!!!!!

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