We welcome and invite you to come worship with us! Experience the love of God with God's family. To learn more about the events and services of the English language services, call preacher Roger Goodwin with any questions or concerns, (956) 277-0434. Ven a adorar con nosotros! Para obtener mas informacion sobre los eventos y servicios de la iglesia en espanol,Todos bienvenidos. Hablamos espanol. llame a hermano David Rivera, (956) 536-5869. The church of Christ in La Feria is a non-incorporated independent church. Servants of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; joyfully fulfilling His commandment to go and preach the word to all the world. WE ARE SHARING THE GOOD NEWS... The gospel message of hope through God's inspired scriptures. WE LOVE... With the love of Jesus Christ; who having come down from heaven and lived a perfect, sinless life, chose to die on the cross for a lost and dying world. WE STRIVE TO GROW... And mature in our understanding God's will through study, prayer and application of His holy word to our lives. WE ARE TO SEEK AND TO SAVE...
Through preaching the word, worshipping as God commanded, praying, singing, studying the bible, and living after Christ's example. WE WORSHIP GOD...
In spirit and in truth, according to the first century Christian pattern set forth in the New Testament. Because God Created Every Soul for a Purpose... Though the world is broken (Romans 3:23), God has provided the solution (John 3:16; Acts 4:11-12).
God is calling all souls through His word, (Romans 10:8-13; 2 Corinthians 6:1-2).
God has given humanity the ability to change when we submit to His authority (Acts 3:19; Romans 8:29).
Because of what Christ has done, we can begin again through obeying the gospel call (John 3:3-5).
God wants to forgive and renew you in Christ. (Acts 2:38; 22:16)
God has a purpose for all men. (Ephesians 2:8-10; 4:11-13)
If you will submit to Jesus Christ in baptism, be faithful unto death, you can share in the hope all Christians do of life eternal! (1 John 5:13, Revelation 2:10) Will you come and see? Address 912 N. Parker Road - MapQuest La Feria, TX 78559 956-277-0434 - Phone Send us a message - E-Mail Mailing Address P.O.Box 597 La Feria, TX 78559 956-277-0434 - Phone "...Come and see." (John 1:46) Exit from Expressway 83 at the La Feria/Highway 506 exit.
From the Highway 506 exit, go east one block on the Frontage Road. Turn right onto North Parker Road. The church building stands one-half block from the corner, on the left. We look forward to seeing you there at the next appointed time!