
Bible Class
Sunday - 9:00 am
Morning Worship
Sunday - 10:00 am
1st Sunday afternoon
Sunday - 1:00 pm
Evening Worship
Sunday - 6:00 pm
Wed. Bible Class
Wednesday - 6:00 pm

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Drew Hyde
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1036 N. Bosque     Meridian, TX  76665
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We invite you to join us for our Worship Services and Bible Studies.



Our purpose statement

The churches of Christ are undenominational gatherings of Christians whose main purpose is the restoration and propagation of pure, simple New Testament Christianity. We recognize that the church which belongs to the Lord may be called or described by any of its names or descriptions found in the Bible, but most use the term found in Romans 16:16 ("The churches of Christ salute you." NKJV) because it gives glory to the one who purchased the church with His own blood, and looks to the church as His bride (Acts 20:28, Ephesians 5:22-33).

As Christians, we desire the unity of all believers, just as the Lord also desires (John 17:11, 20-23), and the apostles preached (1 Corinthians 1:10). Christian unity is not possible as long as men cling to denominational names, creeds, and practices, and so it is our earnest plea that all who would serve Christ would leave behind the traditions of men and seek to be simply Christians. Further, we believe that God has spoken to mankind; the Bible is God's word to all humanity. The Bible is the infallible, unalterable, complete, and authoritative message to mankind from God, and must be adhered to in order for one to be saved.

Outside of Jesus, all accountable humanity is in sin, and therefore lost and separated from God (Romans 3:23, Isaiah 59:1-2). Anyone who dies while yet in his sins is destined for eternal punishment in hell (Luke 12:5, 2 Peter 2:1-9). This sad fact doesn't have to be, however, because God sent His Son Jesus into the world to die for you and me that we may be saved (John 3:16). Jesus commands that we believe in Him (John 8:24), that we confess this faith before others (Matthew 10:32), that we repent (or turn away) of our sins (Luke 13:2-5), and that any who would be saved must be baptized (Mark 16:16) for the remission (or forgiveness) of sins (Acts 2:38). The baptized believer then must simply live a faithful life before God (Revelation 2:10, Hebrews 10:25) in order to receive the reward of heaven on judgment day (Matthew 25:31-46).

Please read the scriptures given in the parentheses above and ask yourself if you've faithfully come to the Lord for salvation. Ask yourself if you are a member of a church that is seeking only to be a Bible based church, or if rather it is a church based on the traditions of men as stated in creeds, councils, and conventions. If you have concerns, questions, or doubts, or would like a free home Bible study, or correspondence course, please contact us at one of the numbers or addresses provided on this website. May God bless you in your search for the truth (John 8:32).