
Our ministries are an important and integral part of our church community. Whether you are a student, single or married there is a ministry designed for you.  Please read about our ministries and consider becoming an active member of our church family.
Men's Ministry

As part of our Men's Ministry we sponsor the spreading of Christ's word in New Zealand through Nathan Paki (nathrachp@gmail.com), Jerry Hogg (jvhogg@charter.net)in South Africa and by Russell DiGiorgio (russelldigiorgio@comcast. More>>


Women's Ministry

Our Women's Ministry includes a monthly Ladies Bible Class and small study groups/correspondence courses available. The congregation also holds Coat and clothing give-a-ways as well as a Food pantry. More>>


Youth Ministry

Our Youth Ministry includes holding Vacation Bible School during the last week of July each year and a Fall Festival each October. We also have various activities [service to elderly], recreation trips, and fellowships throughout the year. More>>


Please contact us if you have any questions about our ministries or would like to know
about other opportunities to serve our community that may not be listed


Bible Class
Sunday - 10:00 AM
Morning Worship
Sunday - 11:00 AM
Evening Worship
Sunday - 7:00 PM
Bible Class
Wednesday - 7:00 PM


Tommy Buford
More >>

Bobby Wells
Song Leader
More >>


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