1) Who We Are

Hey guys! Our Youth Group is an awesome group of teens who gets together a few times a week to relax and unwind, laugh and play games, serve others, and study the Bible and get to know our Savior better. 

The age group is for those within the ages of 6th Grade-High School, though we love having all ages come to join us at events.

2) Our Goal

-We want to Grow:
a) Grow In: Grow in closer as a group, keep each other sharp (Proverbs 27:17), and grow into our image of being a Christian.
b) Grow Out: We want to reach out into the community and show our friends and anyone we meet how amazing it is to be a Christian and have the Holy Spirit inside of us. We want to grow out of our comfort zones, and make a life with Jesus our comfort zone.
c) Grow Up: We want to mature and grow closer to our loving, awesome God. This is something that never stops, we can never be too close to Him!
-Have a Blast: Being a follower of Jesus can and should be enjoyable. We want to have fun while we're together!
-We want to be Difference Makers!

3) What to expect 

Bible Classes:
-Sunday Morning @ 9:30
-Wednesday Night @ 6:30
-Spend some time chatting about our week, praying for each other, studying different topics in the Bible (such as Jesus' Parables, Definitions of our Christianity, being Perfectly Imperfect, etc.), and watch videos or play games that connect with the lessons we discuss. We have a great time, and grow closer to Jesus as a group through this!

Life Groups: Through the months of August-May (we break for June and July) we have Life Groups meet in houses of members of our congregation. The youth and other families meet and Jim and Barbara Burns' house Sunday Nights @ 6, where we'll have a devotional time together, eat food and spend time together, and usually play games afterward. They are very relaxed evenings and great for building relationships!
Summer Devos: During the summer when we break from Life Groups, our youth group will have weekly devotionals hosted by members of our body throughout the week; where we will have very similar nights of devotion to God, snacks, and games together.

Fun Events:
-Lock-Ins: A few times a year we'll have these in the church building, where we stay up all night having nerf wars, playing games like manhunt, sardines, capture the flag, hunger games, etc, we'll also have devotional times, snacks, and board games, movies, and video games for those who need to kick back and relax.
-Movie Nights: Where we go to the movie theaters and see a new movie that many are pumped to see, or marathon a few movies in someone's home, always a great time!
-Game Nights: We will have game nights where everyone from our congregation is invited to come to the building and play board and card games, have active games nights where we'll play some of our favorite lock-in games, group up and play video games together at someone's house, some nights where we'll go play basketball, volleyball, or even try to host a flag football tournament!
-Holiday Parties: Christmas party with gift exchanges, cheesy sweater contests, Christmas movies, and games. A new Year's Eve Party to bring in the New Year with a bang, and more!
-MORE: We're always open to ideas of new fun things to do together, come visit us and tell us about them!

-Winterfest: Every year in February, there is a great conference in Gatlinburg, TN, called Winterfest. It is a weekend where many passionate speakers will teach us about a specific theme, we'll praise God with some of the most inspiring singing you'll ever hear, great entertainment will be brought in (comedians, musicians, etc.), and you'll get some time to explore the always interesting Gatlinburg!
-Winterjam: This is a Christian concert in Evansville, IN, that is very affordable, where many big name Christian artists or bands will perform, inspire, and strengthen your love for Jesus.
-Camp Wabashi (Terre Haute, IN) and Little Egypt Christian Youth Camp (Dahlgren, IL): Two different camps that some of our number go to, to be a camper or counselor at. Both places are great experiences to grow in our faith, to make new friendships, and to get out of our comfort zone and have an amazing time
-Service Trips: We will also plan to do a service trip each summer, whether it is spending the weekend helping to build something, visiting a children's home to help out, or hopefully in the future even be able to travel somewhere in or out of the country that is in a different culture than what we're used to, that needs people to help them and show them love!
-End of Summer Trip: Each summer we'll have an end of summer trip that could change each year as a way to celebrate the amazing summer we'll have and to close out the summer and get ready to get back into the swing of school. This may be something like Holiday World/6 Flags, a big time camping trip, etc.

Service: A big part of being in a youth group is learning the importance of helping others. Something as small as raking someone's yard or writing cards, all the way up to service trips to different areas in need of help. We want to learn to have serving hearts for others, just like Jesus was (Mark 10:45). A huge part of service is just the act of doing something to show our love for someone else. Want to know what's awesome? We have a blast while doing it!