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 Sunday   Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Friday   Saturday 
       1 (1)
Meals on Wheels
 2   3   4 
 5 (4)
Cards, Calls, & Fellowship Group #1 Meets
Cards, Calls, & Fellowship Group #1 Meets
Hickory Woods Worship Service

7:00PM - 9:00PM 
Labor Day Pizza, Salad, and Ice Cream Fellowship
 6   7   8 (1)
SALT - Wednesday
 9 (1)
6:00PM - 8:00PM 
TNT - At the skate center!
 10   11 (1)
8:30AM - 12:00PM 
Girls' Day at East Main Church of Christ
 12 (1)
Cards, Calls, & Fellowship Group #2 Meets
 13   14   15 (1)
Meals on Wheels
 16 (1)
Jason King's Birthday
 17   18 (2)
7:00AM - 12:00PM 
Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry

9:00AM - 12:00PM 
Ladies' Day at Salem Creek Church of Christ
 19 (2)
Cards, Calls, & Fellowship Group #3 Meets
4:30PM - 5:50PM 
Elders, Deacons, and Ministers Meeting
 20   21   22   23   24   25 (2)
9:00AM - 2:00PM 
Old Testament Seminar led by Chuck Webster

5:00PM - 8:00PM 
SALT - Devo at the Strickland's
 26 (3)
Old Testament Seminar led by Chuck Webster
Cards, Calls, & Fellowship Groups #4 & 5 Meet
Young Men Lead PM Worship
 27   28   29 (1)
5th Wednesday Night Singing
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Meals on Wheels

Cards, Calls, & Fellowship Group #1 Meets

Cards, Calls, & Fellowship Group #1 Meets

Hickory Woods Worship Service

Labor Day Pizza, Salad, and Ice Cream Fellowship
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Join us Sunday evening for worship under the pavilion followed by a fellowship featuring pizza, salads, and ice cream. The cost for pizza will be $5 for 1 person, $9 for 2 or 3 family members, or $15 for a family of 4 or more. Each family is asked to bring enough dessert or ice cream for their family and 2 others. Please see Paul Gentry with any questions or to prepay.
SALT - Wednesday
This is an outreach where members on SALT are encouraged to invite their friends. We will meet at the building at 5:30 and have some games and dinner but most importantly MEET VISITORS! The Bible class will be tailored to cover topics that will interest our visitors as well.

TNT - At the skate center!
6:00PM - 8:00PM
TNT is being hosted by the King'a at the Smyrna Skate Center from 6-8pm. Get ready to put you right foot in, take your right foot out,.... well you know the rest. The cost is $7 per skate. Eat before you come or you can buy food there.
Girls' Day at East Main Church of Christ
8:30AM - 12:00PM
This event is for girls in grades 5-12. Theme is "Harvesting Godly Thoughts." Registration and a lite breakfast begins at 8:30 AM with the classes starting at 9:00 AM. Lunch will be served after the event ends at noon. Please RSVP by 2 PM on 9/2 by emailing or calling 615-893-6180, ext. 3.
Cards, Calls, & Fellowship Group #2 Meets

Meals on Wheels

Jason King's Birthday

Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry
7:00AM - 12:00PM
We will begin unloading the truck at 7:00 AM. Food distribution will take place 9:00 AM-12:00 PM. This is a great community outreach event and it takes everyone pitching in to make this event a success.
Ladies' Day at Salem Creek Church of Christ
9:00AM - 12:00PM
Theme: "Focusing in Time of Turmoil"

Keynote speaker is Annette Sander.

RSVP by August 30th.
Cards, Calls, & Fellowship Group #3 Meets

Elders, Deacons, and Ministers Meeting
4:30PM - 5:50PM

Old Testament Seminar led by Chuck Webster
9:00AM - 2:00PM
This is an event for all members and all are encouraged to attend. There will be a light breakfast before the sessions begin. Lunch will be provided after the morning sessions. Chuck Webster will be teaching these sessions. He is an Old Testament scholar. These sessions will be very helpful for everyone to learn more about the Old Testament and how it is essential in our understanding of God's plan and the New Testament. 
SALT - Devo at the Strickland's
5:00PM - 8:00PM
We will have a devo at the Strickland's house (lookup the address in the directory of the App) at 5:0pm.
Old Testament Seminar led by Chuck Webster
Chuck will continue the Old Testament teachings he began on Saturday as he delivers the Sunday AM sermon and teaches our adult Bible Class.
Cards, Calls, & Fellowship Groups #4 & 5 Meet

Young Men Lead PM Worship

5th Wednesday Night Singing