News and Announcements

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O.W.L.S. (50's+) and Widowed - Lights in Lebanon

We will go to Lebanon to see the lights. The bus will leave the building at 5:30pm. We will stop and eat afterwards, returning to the building at approx. 9 - 9:30pm
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Red Cross Blood Drive

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Singing at Traditions

Join us as we sing with the residents at Traditions. ALL are welcome! More>>
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SALT - Christmas party (after Traditions)

The Stricklands are hosting the SALT Christmas party after we are finished singing at Traditions. Bring a $20 wrapped gift to participate the a gift swap.
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Worship at Traditions

Please join us as we lead and worship with the residents at Traditions. More>>
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Ladies' Ornament Swap after PM Svc

We will meet at the home of Brittney Gentry (1304 Kaci Drive, Smyrna TN 37167) after pm services on Sunday, December 8th for our annual ladies' ornament swap. Ladies who are participating are asked to bring an ornament ($8-$10 limit) to exchange. More>>
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TNT (1st-6th Grade)

See the Dancing Lights of Lebanon
Let Jason King know if you plan on attending. More>>
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SALT - Angel tree shopping and scavenger hunt

We will meet at the building at 11:30a and take the church van to Tanger mall for lunch, shopping for our "angel," and doing a picture based scavenger hunt!
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Holiday Party

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Elders, Deacons, Ministers Meeting

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SALT - Youth devo at Deason

The van will leave from church at 4:15p. The devo is from 5-7p. Inglesia de Cristo church at Deason is a new Spanish speaking congregation. Lets help fill their building!
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Rutherford County Widowhood Fellowship

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CHAOS (Age 0-Kindergarten)

Hosted by Brittney & Cranston Gentry More>>
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Christmas Caroling after PM svc

Please join us as we deliver some Christmas Cheer to some special members after our evening worship.

All Are Welcome!

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Exposure Youth Camp occurs every year in Huntsville, AL on December 27-30. This year's theme is "Reimagine Beauty." The cost is $100 per attendee and includes the conference, hotel room, shirt, and meals. More>>
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5th Sunday / Bilingual Svc / Church-Eat-Church

We will have a special emphasis bilingual service as well as our 5th Sunday contribution.
We will have Church / Eat / Church - We will NOT meet for 6pm service.
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Prayer Breakfast

Join us for breakfast and prayer. More>>
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Leader Seminar

This is for all elders, Deacons, Ministers, Staff and their spouses. We will meet at the church building this year. More>>
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