SALT - Summer Teen Trip

Look out Dollywood, here we come. July 13th, 14th, 15th. We will leave early Tuesday morning and get a jump start on time at Dollywood. Wednesday we will hit Dollywood again and go to a dinner show that night. Thursday is breakfast and heading home. More details coming about money needed, etc. Sign up here. Each person, adults too, should be on a separate line please.

Shawn Clark [Delete]
Mattie [Delete]
Audrey G [Delete]
Kylie Gray [Delete]
Adam C. [Delete]
Kennedy Brito [Delete]
Ayslin Brito [Delete]
Freddy Concepcion [Delete]
Kevin Brito [Delete]
Felix Urdiera [Delete]
Josh Strickland [Delete]
Kyle Endsley [Delete]
Melanie Strickland [Delete]
Tammy Endsley [Delete]
Barry Ashton [Delete]
Tiger Vera [Delete]
Malik Vera [Delete]
Macrina [Delete]
Total Sign ups 18

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