Picture of the Week
February 9, 2022
Ramona. Colburn and grandson Steven
Thank you for the gift cards
from Albuquerque Christian Children's Home
Howie concentrates deeply on what Todd has to say
Reaching the top of Mt. Lowe
1996 (?)
Mike setting up
(just a year or two ago  )
First Thousand Pines 1979
How many people do you recognize?
Merry Christmas from our Christmas Elves
Christmas Play 1986
The kids play a game
1000 Pines 2013
Jeffrey is ready to take on the snow hill
1000 Pines 2013
Al, Joannie and Todd get ready to greet the guests
Karen and di Anna
The Candy Corn Queen
Liz and Em get the butter ready
Thanksgiving early 90s
Mission accomplished
Trunk or Treat 2015
Sheila and Joanie
Trunk or Treat 2015
Looks like the big kids are having fun too
Happy 70th to Pancho
Saturday night entertainment at 1000 Pines
Lu and Scott at 1000 Pines
Utah work party
late 90s
End of summer
early 2000s
Church picnic 1983
Are we having fun yet?
Lake Gregory 80s
Meal time at Lake Gregory
Los Altos meets up in Tennessee
August 2009
Showdown 2012
A village marvels at their new well installed
by Healing Hands International
Howie takes over on the 4th
Celebrating a victory
early 80s
Iffy Lube Allstars
Dave and Darryl
Getting final instructions for the balloon toss
Harper appears not to be too impressed by the
rookie in the batter's box
Dave Lanier
1000 Pines (early 80s)
Blake Benton
Gordon College
Class of 2021
Katrice and Sophie
Jerry and Janet
The kids
Fellowship Breakfast (1980s)
Joyce, Rose, and Holly
Fellowship (1984?)
John Harper, Phil Morse, Lu Jenkins and Liz Lashower
Since we last met #7
Pancho got his two shots and went on a road trip!
Since we last met #6
Makayla and Michael grew a lot!
Since we last met #5
Roxanne took up roller blading
Since we last met #4
Cindy and Tim celebrated their 50th
Since we last met #3
Jill and Howie celebrated their 50th
Since we last met #2
Tammy and Sheila had birthdays

Since we last met #1
Tommy had a birthday
Lake Gregory (1996 or 1997?)
Karen, Jill, Terrie, Sharon and di Anna plan their next move
Ray, Sue, Betty and Phil at 1000 Pines
Early 80s
Ryan and Tyler
2009 (?)
Young Tim demonstrating his early leadership skills
as he takes a group of hikers down a "shortcut" 
Mount Lowe 1992
Christmas Play 1987
1000 Pines Memories 3
Do you want to build a snowman? (1981)
1000 Pines Memories 2
Lu, Scott and an unidentified Jenkins toddler
1000 Pines Memories 1
Sometime in the 80s
Thanksgiving Past 4
Visiting with the seniors before the dinner
Thanksgiving Past 3
Ray Collins at one of our first dinners at the Senior Center
Thanksgiving Past 2
The serving line is ready
Thanksgiving Past 1
Team Benton at work
Big Al, Jill, Dennis and Liz cut it on the dance floor
Tuesday Night Small Group Study
(Early 2000s?)
Betty Beckwith
For I am convinced that neither death nor life...will be able to separate
us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8: 38-39
Lisa, Karen, Autumn, Brooke, Deb, Joyce and Cathi
Beach Cookout early 2000s
Happy 80th Bruce
(Silly String supplied by the Pena Sisters)
Sheila and Kita
Pancho's turn
Early 80s
A couple of Howies play softball
Jene crosses the plate
(Happy 75th old guy!)
Matt, Pat, Merri and Lexi
Then and Now #24
Cory Clarke
Then and Now #24
Elizabeth Lashower Dodrill
Then and Now #23
Rose Henderson Rosenthal
Then and Now #22
Miranda Howie Johnson
Then and Now #21
Teresa Collins Guard
Then and Now #20
Janet Turner Sommerfeld
Then and Now #19
Todd Johnson
Then and Now #18
Jason Rosique
Then and Now #18
Karen Leafstedt Robinson and Jill Leafstedt Haug
Then and Now #17
Tim Spivey
Then and Now #16
Billy Troncoso
Then and Now #15
Dennis Spivey
Then and Now #14
Dawn Grossbaier Herrera
Then and Now #13
Sandy Chambers Taylor
Then and Now #12
Donna Davis Watson
Then and Now #11
Brenda Loomis
Then and Now #10
Sylvia Henderson Fletcher
(son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, daughter's boyfriend(?), daughter)
Then and Now #9
Michelle Howie Varsalona
Then and Now #8
Marissa Troncosso Royster
Then and Now #7
Deborah Lashower Porianda
Then and Now #6
Janice Collins Hammers
Then and Now #5
Tammy Spivey Townsend
Then and Now #4
James Stone
Then and Now #3
Stephanie Cullen Baynes
Then and Now #2
Amy Clarke Rangel
Then and Now #1
Jeremy Rosique
Amber, Tammy and diAnna enjoy a time of fellowship
Mother vs Daughter showdown
Thousand Pines a few years ago
Three wise guys

John Alegre and Larry ready for class
1000 Pines 2002(?)
Getting ready to climb the wall
1000 Pines 2007(?)
Relaxing after a meal
1000 Pines 2004
Howie, Robert Russell, Jene and Tim entertain
(Miranda tries to join in)
Late 80s
The original kitchen crew
Lu Jenkins, Ben Spivey and Betty Morse

Trunk or Treat 2018
Sheila and Alaina get ready for Trunk or Treat
The church in Zimbabwe
Early 2019
Bruce, Romaine and Ramona are ready for class
The day the Iffy Lube team met their match
1000 Pines
(Not sure of the year but Sophie is really little)
The Los Altos Dive Team #2
The Los Altos Dive Team
40 years ago
This one is a little blurry but it's still worth using
Top row...Nancy, Lu, Trish, Colburn and Ramona
Bottom row...Ben, Della, Timmy, Sheila, Tammy and Grace
40 years ago
40 years ago
40 years ago
Craig and Lu celebrate the 4th
The winner is...Joe with Deb the runner up
Liar's Poker
More Liar's poker
The class of 2019!
Liar's Poker
Early 2000s
The guys work on Joanne's trailer
Kelsea, Roxanne and Ashley
Al, Joan, Sheila, Romaine and Bruce get
ready for Tuesday night study
Sharon warms up while working the night shift
Relay For Life 2009
Holly and Blake get ready to carry the banner
Relay For Life 2009
Jeff and Karen take a turn carrying the banner
Relay For Life 2009
Cathi and Ron
Relay for Life2009
Goodbye to the Bentons
Alaina and unknown friend
Dave and John share an insightful moment
Abbie snags an award at Los Altos Oscar Night
Amber, Jeffrey and Terry C.
Brooke and Cathi
Dennis describes the one that got away.
Getting warm at 1000 Pines
From the Leisure World Weekly
Sako, Lexi, and Merri
Mike's baptism
Sophie's baptism
Emily baptized by Tim
Date unknown
Baptism in Zimbabwe
Edith Archetko
For I am convinced
that neither death nor life...will be able to separate
us from the love of God that is in
Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
The kids await their turn with Santa Clarke
Christmas 1986
Unknown Los Altos member at 1000 Pines
Timmy, Ramona, maybe Emily and Tammy enjoy
breakfast at 1000 Pines
(early 80s)
Pancho braves the elements
1000 Pines 2013
The food line is getting ready to serve
Thanksgiving morning 2014...serving over 150 seniors
(We've been doing it for 40 years)
Betty Morse working in the kitchen
Thanksgiving 1983
Trunk or Treat 2018
Joann and Sharon take the prize
(mid 80s)
A celebration dance
di Anna and Emmie at the Ladies' Tea
Cindy at the Ladies' Tea
Todd with Tammy Rangel and Sylvia Henderson
Baptism in Zimbabwe
Summer 2018
Jene, Betty Morse, and Cindy
Early 80s
Summer Fun 7
After a long day at Lake Gregory
Summer Fun 6
Beach cookout
Summer Fun 5
Balloon toss finalists 2015
Summer Fun 4
Steph, Tammy, Joe, Miranda and Jene are getting the job done in Utah.
Summer Fun 3
Softball Team Late 80s/Early 90s
Summer Fun 2
O'Neill Park early 80s
Summer Fun
Ready to hike Half Dome
Get well soon John!
Jasmine is ready for some 4th of July fireworks
Early 2000s?

Trisha Jenkins takes a rip
early 80s
Baptism at the Leafstedt pool
Early 80s
Emily and friends at her 40th birthday party
"O-76...wait, that can't be right!"
VA Bingo
Kevin Britton in search of some coconuts
2018, Uganda

Work party at Joann's trailer
Janice Collins, Mary Moak, Sue Collins, and Trisha Jenkins (not yet Dunn)
1000 Pines in the early 80s
John Alegre tries to rescue Big Red from a rut
Utah 1990's
A time of fellowship (80s)
Emily, Rachel, Roxanne, Cindy, Lexi, Hannah and Abbie
getting the audience to clap along
Sako, Joan and Al
Makayla is getting warmer
Matt, Pat, Merri and Lexi Pendleton
(Early 2000s)
Lu places one in the strike zone while Jocelyn, Tammy and Sandy get ready.
A little quidditch action with Roxanne
(You have to be a Harry Potter fan to understand  )
Jeff, Tim and Jene with Coach Gene Stallings 1980s
(Tim is flashing the coach's Super Bowl ring)
Emily and Liz looking for a snowball fight
Bubba wants out
Lake Arrowhead 2012
The Clarke and Spivey kids
Tim's 30th birthday party
Sharon Pena
I have fought the good fight, I have finished
the race, I have kept the faith. Now
there is in store for me the crown of righteousness...
2Timothy 4:7-8
Wishing everyone a very Larry Christmas!
Liz, Emily and Dennis 1986
(Costumes probably by Joann)
Joe and William get ready for the hill
The stuffing master and her new apprentice
Gwen and Kita making things ready
(or maybe Kita is swiping a roll  )
Vintage Thanksgiving 2
Marissa Troncoso and Ann Clarke
Vintage Thanksgiving
Trunk or Treat 3
Trunk or Treat 2
Trunk or Treat
Lake Gregory
mid 90s
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Date unknown
Makayla is up to the challenge
Top row...Holly Henderson, Tammy Spivey, Jeff Turner and Tim Spivey
Middle row..unknown girl, Emily Spivey, Michelle Howie and Liz Lashower
Bottom Row...unknown boy and Dennis Spivey
Around 1982
Ben, Della and Tim Spivey (the younger)
July 1979
Directory Time Machine 24
Gail Tetterton
Directory Time Machine 23
Tim, Tammy, Sheila, and Jene
Directory Time Machine 22
James and Sharon
Directory Time Machine 21
Christine and Tom
Directory Time Machine 20
Dave and Terrie
Directory Time Machine 19
Alice and Dave
Directory Time Machine 18
Ramona and Colburn
Directory Time Machine 17
Joclyn (no fair...she hasn't changed!)
Directory Time Machine 16
The Rosenthals
Class of 2017!
Directory Time Machine 15
The Chmiels
Directory Time Machine 14
The Clarkes
Directory Time Machine 13
The Spiveys
Directory Time Machine 13
Merri and Lexi
Directory Time Machine 12
The Johnsons
Directory Time Machine 11
Grace White
Directory Time Machine 10
The Lashowers
Directory Time Machine 9
Directory Time Machine 8
Sako and Jerry
Directory Time Machine 7
The Story's (minus the boss)
Directory Time Machine 6
Directory Time Machine 5
The Bentons
Directory Time Machine 4
The Pena Family
Directory Time Machine 3
Miranda and Sue Howie
Directory Time Machine 2
Patti and Kelsea
Directory Time Machine
Kita and Katrina
Church picnic
Early 80's
Ready to ride the Yellow Banana
late 80s (?)
The race ends
1000 Pines 2013
The race begins
1000 Pines 2013
This just looks like trouble
1000 Pines 2013
Blake shares a song
2012 (?)
Dennis and Tim share a private joke
December '87
Liz and the Rosique boys await their turn with Santa Clarke
Santa's helpers Christmas '86
Cory, Amy and Tammy
Dishing out Thanksgiving dinner
Time to Serve
Thanksgiving at the Senior Center
Sue Howey checks her stuffing
Early 80s
Thanksgiving at the Senior Center
Ben Spivey gives it the taste test
Early 80s
The joy of fellowship
A little more praising in song
Another great foursome
Quite a quartet
Liz and Deb at the top of Mt. Lowe
Water balloon toss
End of summer beach party
Early 2000s (?)
Our original men's softball team and bat-boy
Happy 75th to Joann
Sheila, Cory, Pancho, Tim, Howie, and Amy
Church picnic around 1981 or 1982
Summer Fun at Lake Gregory
Old 4th of July #3
Old 4th of July #2
Old 4th of July #1
A gathering at the Lanier's
David Dunn install the elders
Baby Abbie on display at Deborah's baptism
The class of 2016!
Sophie and Dennis don't seem to be too impressed by the food at
the World's Famous Charbroiler (late 1990s?)
The World's Greatest MC
"What work party?"
The Brittons enjoying their US stay
Hunting eggs and stylin'
High hopes
A different kind of Easter egg basket
The Easter Egg hunt gets underway
Go-kart Mechanics
Amber tries to get the girls to go to sleep
The tan belt and pens sticking out of Jeff's pocket says it all.
Thanksgiving dinner 1987
Ladies fellowship activity
The Pena girls, Ashley and a mystery lady (Kelsea?)
Camp Tonda...early 70s
This picture actually takes place during our days with the Uptown Church of Christ but it was too good to pass up. From left to right, Jeff, Jene, Tim, Steve Hunter, Pancho and Dave Lanier.
1000 Pines (around 1996 or 1997)
Tuesday night fellowship 2004
Japhet praying with two teens about to be baptized.
Zimbabwe, Africa
Kamaryha is making sure the wise
men have a star to follow
A Dickens Christmas 2015
Christmas Party
Christmas Play 1987
Jeffrey and William are ready to serve
Thanksgiving 2013
Thanksgiving at the Senior Center
Amy, Cory, Tim, and Tammy
Happy Trunk or Treaters
More Trunk or Treat Fun
Trunk or Treat 2013
Mastering the confidence course
1000 Pines 2011
Making mischief at 1000 Pines
1000 Pines rock wall climbers
Todd climbs the "pole of death"
Mount Lowe 1992
Summer Fun 10
Water Balloon Toss
Summer Fun 9
Outnumbered but not defeated!
Summer Fun 8
Who wants to go in first?
Yosemite 1993
Summer Fun 7
Dad shows who's boss
Summer Fun 6
Camping out at O'Neil Park (mid-80s)
Summer Fun 5
Nothing gets by Tim
Summer Fun 4
Waiting for the fireworks show
Summer Fun 3
Jene has a seaweed surprise for Liz
Summer Fun 2
Dinner at Lake Gregory
Summer Fun 1
Sheila and Jene at Lake Gregory
Pancho's Puppeteers
Gail Troncoso and Billy
The old sign
Grace, Joann and Cory
Sheila's big hit
Kita and Katrice at 1000 Pines
A reunion of our first set of kids
Lunch at the World Famous Charbroiler
The ropes get tested at 1000 Pines
The Ammons Family
Tomas Vazquez
Age 5
City of Children
Dulce Corales
Age 5
City of Children
Putting their left foot in
Christmas Angels 1985
(Dennis and Emily Spivey, Elizabeth and Deborah Lashower)
Thanksgiving 2014
The servers are serving.
Thanksgiving 2014
The cooks prepare the food
Thanksgiving 2014
The crowd arrives
Thanksgiving at the Senior Center
Young Tim
A happy camper
1000 Pines...It's about the fellowship and the memories
(Bonus point if you can find Liz  )
All the kids enjoying Trunk or Treat
Halloween Past #2
Halloween Past #1
The Music Girls...Bekah Blake and Abbie
Trunk or Treat 2013
The Ladies Tea (90's)
1000 Pine 2013
Ready, set, go!
Take me out to the ballgame
Teresa Collins and the Yellow Banana (80s)
Ann and Tom
Emily gets baptized
Two kids on a sled
1000 Pines 1981
Our elders having fun at Stevely Park
Jasmine Dockstader
Pepperdine class of 2014
Egg hunters
Jill Del Rio, our former missionary to Chile, with her husband Eduardo
Ryan's baptism
It's bingo time!
Patti, Kelsea, and Tom 2004
Bowling Champs
Let me outta here!
The Johnson girls 2004
A long, long time ago
Joann and her trailer
Peter Paul and Mary
Best friends
Utah in the 80s
Tim and Santa Clarke
Betty and Connie do their magic
Pancho conquers the rock roll
1000 Pines 1983

A friendly game of bombardier
1000 Pines Mid-90s
Fun in the snow!
Early 90s at 1000 Pines
One more Thanksgiving picture
Thanksgiving at the Senior Center part 2
Thanksgiving at the Senior Center 1990
More Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat 2012
Catalina Trip part 3
Catalina Trip part 2
(Look at those cute legs!)
Catalina Trip
(late 80's?)
Yosemite 1992
Singing at 1000 Pines
Gail Tetterton (Dave Benton's mom)
Born to be wild!
(young Tim and Steven)
Ladies Retreat
4th of July
Grace White
Happy Father's Day
Ben Spivey leads singing
Thanksgiving 19??
Oscar night
A WACKY group
Going for a ride!
1000 Pines 2004
Christmas 1990
Sue and Miranda
Looking good for Sunday School!
A Friendly Game of Horseshoes
Our First Toddler Class
The Ladies' Softball Team
The First Baptism