Welcome To The Website
Of The Northeast church of Christ

Elk City, Oklahoma

Foreign Evangelism

We prefer to call our work overseas, simply "evangelism" instead of "missions." The Northeast church of Christ is involved with evangelism in the nation of Kenya, providing sound reading and teaching materials and supporting native Kenya preachers. Our preacher spent a month with the Kalamindi church of Christ at Ndhiwa, Kenya in 2012, teaching in a preachers' training class and preaching at Magunga, Muhuru Bay, and Kalamindi. In August, 2014, he and three others spent a week at Kalamindi, teaching a preachers' class, a class for women, and providing medical aid to local residents.

The church is charged with preaching the gospel, which remains our thrust in Kenya. The medical aid was provided by funds the ladies took with them and not from the church's funds. The church is not a business, nor should the church conduct a business. Clinics and hospitals are private businesses and, as such, the church cannot scripturally operate them. However, individual Christians can, and must, aid the suffering in whatever ways we can. That is what Tracie Moore and Sandra Craig (both of whom are nurses) did at the free clinic they conducted in Kenya, paying for all medicines out of their own pockets. Thanks for this work also goes to George Omollo, a local chemist (pharmacist) who made medicine available at low cost and who was baptized into Christ on our last Lord's Day there.

Kenya Preachers We Support

Lucas Mwai---Sota
Christopher Oloo---Magunga
Tom Achola---Suna
Tom Omolo--Kalamindi
John Odunga---Port Victoria
Rofino Muruka---Sigomre Julius Odhiambo---Kamato
Francis Aloo---Nyangoma
Milton Owanga---Mulwanda
Sylvester Obare---Tingolo
Vitalis Otieno Nyamula---Ndisi More>>


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