Trenton church of christ

Philippines Mission Trip 2009


9 PM Saturday Dagupan Hotel
What a wondeful day it has been!  We had a number of Bible studies today.  The first led to a baptism of an 80 year old man at 730 AM. After that at 10 we studied with a family that literally lives under highway bridge.  No running water, no electrictiy and the botom of the bridge is their roof.  It is not a cardboard temporary box but their permanent residence.
The mother, her sister, her mother and 4 daughters from age 12-18 were in the study.  As we finished the four girls were baptized.  The oldest at 18 is to graduate from HS on Weds as 2nd in her class and the one in the 10th grade is 4th in her class.  Amazing as they seem to have no opportunities, no advatages but the family is achieving.  I feel very strongly that we will baptize the mother and father at the next study.
We then studied with two young mothers (24,29) and they were baptized.  I did not have a student with me and baptized them myself in a caribou (water buffalo) watering hole.  There was one cooling himself in the water about 20 meters from us and I didmn''t bother him and he didn''t bother us! I am used to crowds gathering to watch baptisms but I was a little nervous with the caribou checking us out!
Had a little internet problems the last two days, but for a third world country I am thrilled with the level and dependeability of the service!
We have a full day today.  Laurie and I will be going with Roger and his wife Liza to the prisons in Dagupan and  San Carlos for services this morning and then on to Longos on the coast at San Fabian for 1 PM services.  I will speak at those and then we will return to the Salomounge Sur church on the PTC campus at 4 PM.
I spent most of my travels today in a motorcycle side car and if any of you can remember riding in a 1968 Corvette with the top down, where you are sitting right on the ground, you can get a feeling of what today was like!  It is supposed to be over 100 with the heat index on Sunday so I must get some sleep.  God bless adn keep us in your prayers as you are ever in ours!
Love you,

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