Welcome to the
Winnetka Avenue Church of Christ


A Brief History Of The Congregation


In the year of 1949 a group of christians who lived in the west San Fernando Valley had a burning desire to begin a congregation in that general area.  They began working toward the goal, and in 1950 they were able to organize a congregation in accordance with the teaching of the New Testament and was in compliance within the statutes of both the state of California and the United States.  At first, rented facilities were used until a location was decided upon for a building and funds were saved for that purpose.  The building was constructed using volunteer labor from members of the congregation under the direction of a local contractor.  The building was ready for occupancy in 1954 and has served the congregation since that time.


The church building underwent a remodeling in 1975, which incorporates a Spanish influence.  Because of the increase in people in the San Fernando Valley, the postal department divided the area and this caused the church building to be located in the new city created by the division, Winnetka.  The congregation was formerly known as the Winnetka Ave. church of Christ in Canoga Park, California .


Through the years the congregation has had more than 20 ministers working with it.  The current minister is W. Bruce Evans and he has been here since 2006.  He moved here from South Carolina after having preached in the general area in the late 1980's until 1997.  Some of the other ministers include Kenny Marrs, Dennis Kilgo, Osby Weaver, Leon Goff, Ford Carpenter and Roy Cogdill to name a few. 


The congregation has a long history of upholding Bible truth and it is our desire to continue doing so.  As well the congregation is at peace and enjoying growth, to which we gratefully thank the God of Heaven.  The job of any congregation is to plant and water the seed and God will provide the increase as seen explained by the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 3:5-7