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Re: A letter from someone who read THE GOOD NEWS FROM GOD.  Posted by Dennis 

My friend, Cindi, has a son, Kenny, who lives in North Carolina. When she went to visit him, last year, she took a copy of THE GOOD NEWS FROM GOD and laid it on Kenny's coffee table. Kenny's friend, (who asked that I not use his name (he is a very shy person)) saw it, read it and eventually sent me his story via Cindi. It was sent as one large paragraph. I've broken it up a little to make it easier to read. You may read it below :

"Mr. Dennis I heard you needed to hear my story I've been friends with Kenny for a long time. Miscindy was like a Second mama to me. She kept us in line when she lived here. When She left I found myself in a lot of trouble. After one of the hurricanes. Some people convince me to steal their staffs they collect on the insurance. When they got Caught For insurance fraud They said it was all my idea They said they knew nothing about the whole plan So I went to jail for four years.

I did my time I spent a lot of time thinking. I wondered how I got myself into this mess the jail room kept getting smaller and smaller. In the time longer and longer. I didn't blame anyone but myself the trouble I got into. When I got out of jail not many of my friends Would talk to me. Kenny still let me come over and visit.

It was in June's mama came to visit. There was a book laying on his coffee table. I picked that up and come through it. It was real easy and simple even for me. I felt the piece come over me. I managed to read the whole thing in about two hours And I don't read real fast. The next morning when I was working on the water The The sun was Rightor the world was prettier.

In my heart I knew that God was talking to me I knew that I was important to him I knew that Jesus had died for my sins. I knew that my time but I did was nothing. Jesus had forgiven me. I knew I was totally clean That not only did God chair he loved me. I Smiled More that day than I ever did. And then I wanted to share that joy. Then you sent some more books to Kenny's house.

My brothers was in jail and I sent him a copy. My best Friends Dustin and Dana were in jail and I sent them a copy. Dustin and Dana got saved I'm still working on my brother. Every day I wake up and I get on the water and I see The sunshine I feel like it's God shining directly on me. I never felt so important in my whole life. That God would send his precious son died for me.

You see I'm not just an ordinary guy. I'm even less than that. A simple fishermen who screwed up. I never read the Bible before It was too long and too hard to understand. And I didn't feel it was meant for guy like me. But I am real grateful for the book you sent. It's a little weather around the edges. It's made its way through a lot of people. I believe they helped a lot of them.

I know it's God that saves us But it sure was nice to have a book That made it simple. A lot of us sinners have enjoyed that book. We have benefited from it Been saved by it and if you even baptized because of it.

Ms. Cindy said it was really important to you for you to hear from me I'm sorry it took me this long. I don't write To we'll  But you do need to know what impact this book had. It made its way through jails and friends. It made my life easier and Dustin and Dana's as well. We know we're important now. And that God loves us.

Thank you and your church for sitting down and writing it so we can read it. Thank you for making it so we could understand it. I hope lots more people get to read it and understand how important they are to.

My life is so much richer because I know that God loves me. I'm excited to get my brother to that point to. I got baptized in the East River. It's where I fish every day. It made a real important to me. Again thank you to you and your church For sending out those books. Thank you for making it simple so I could understand what God wanted me to hear.

Forever in your debt.  A simple fisherman From Down East North Carolina. "


How awesome is that? Praise God. This book ministry is so important. It is such a valuable tool in spreading the gospel. May God continue to bless us as we spread the word!


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The Beginner's Guide to the Good News of God

The Beginner's Guide to the Good News of God
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