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*Bylaws of the

Hamilton Outreach Church of Christ

October 7, 2010 



Hamilton Outreach Church of Christ (Outreach) is an organization which seeks to
follow Biblical teaching and to function as a fellowship of Christian
believers. The members of Outreach understand that, by law, certain
requirements must be met in order to function as a non-profit corporation. The
purpose of these bylaws is to comply with those regulations.


spiritual well-being of the church members will be overseen by men called "Elders"
(or "Shepherds"), as outlined in the Bible. The church members will appoint and
remove elders.


business of Outreach will be conducted by the church members in periodic
meetings. The church members will select from among themselves a Board of
Directors to meet legal requirements. The church members will appoint and
remove members of the Board of Directors. 


meeting, open to all Outreach members, will be held at least once per calendar
year, beginning one year after the first ratification of these bylaws. Special
meetings of the church members may be called as needed. 


the dissolution of the Corporation, or the winding up of its affairs, the
assets of the Corporation shall be distributed exclusively for one or more
exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, to another
exempt Corporation having  the purpose of spreading the gospel of Jesus
Christ, or to a state or local government for a public purpose. 


bylaws may be amended only by a majority vote of the church members present at
a duly-called meeting. 


Bylaws are a requirement of the government for non-profit organizations. We
want to be a non-profit so that the church doesn't have to pay taxes,
member-donations are tax deductible, and the church can be exempt from paying
sales tax. The bylaws do not detail the procedures the church uses for its
spiritual well-being. 

These proposed bylaws give the church members, meeting as a congregation,
ultimate authority over all church matters.  Elders and deacons are
appointed using procedures adopted by church members. A Board of Directors will
be selected by vote of the church members. If an elder, deacon, or board member
must be removed, such removal is accomplished by the church members.

Elder and deacon selection and appointment procedures are formulated and
administered by the church members in congregational meeting.

4. The Bylaws can be changed by a vote of the church
members; so, as changes are needed, they can be made.

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