"You can catch the sad tone of His voice as he said,/ 'Thy will not my own must be done;'/ As a lamb to the slaughter He soon must be led/ To die as the Crucified One./
"When the Savior was praying, In the garden of Gethsemane,/ He said, "loving Father, let his cup pass from me;"/ I know He was thinking Of the anguish death would bring to His own/ How deep was His sorrow When Jesus was praying alone." [Presley, 1937]
"And he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be sorrowful and very heavy." Matthew 26:37
Today's To Do: think about all the weight on His shoulders as He entered the garden to pray; be submissive like Christ was to the Father's Will; be thankful He is our sacrificial Lamb; have a good day.