"He from the grave on the third day arose, Missions of man to disclose;/ Go preach the gospel, all who will may hear, Thru Him be free from all fear;/ Bid them believe, to repent and obey, Walk in the newness of life;/ Keep the light glowing to show them the way, Leading from sin and strife./
"Can He depend on you,/ His blessed will to do?/ Will you be crowned with the faithful and true,/ Can He depend on you?" [Bacon, 1943]
"And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved." Matthew 10:22
Today's To Do: imagine the joy that occurred when He rose on the third day; go preach to those around me as He commanded; strive daily to lead others from sin; have a good day.