"Sometimes I feel discouraged, and think my life in vain,/ I'm tempted then to murmur, and of my lot complain,/ But when I think of Jesus, and all He's done for me,/ Then, I cry, O Rock of Ages, Hide Thou Me./
"O Rock of Ages, Hide Thou Me,/ No other Refuge, have I but Thee,/ When life's dark vale I wander, Far, far from Thee;/ Then I cry, O Rock of Ages, Hide Thou me." [Tolbert, 1926]
"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." Colossians 3:2
Today's to do: don't let this sinful world discourage me from faithful living; remember complaining does not fix my problem; be thankful I can constantly go back to Christ to realign my thoughts; have a good day.