
"Men strive for the wealth of this wide, wicked world,/ They seek after honor and fame;/ So lavishly sporting their diamonds and pearls,/ They put the dear Savior to shame./

"I'd rather live in that bright city, Own earth's silver and gold,/ I'd rather have Jesus my Savior, Than a palace to hold;/ I'd rather be just a poor beggar, Live in a shack by the road,/ Than here to own all of earth's treasures, With no title to a future abode." [Presley, 1935]

"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:" Matthew 6:19

Today's to do: keep my priorities Heaven-focused; know that the faithful Christian is rich in spiritual blessings; live life where I don't cause Christ shame; have a good day.