
"What profit is found in earth's silver and gold?/ How sad at the close of life's day,/ If for the exchange one must lose his own soul,/ From heaven's door be turned away./

"I'd rather live in that bright city, Own earth's silver and gold,/ I'd rather have Jesus my Savior, Than a palace to hold;/ I'd rather be just a poor beggar, Live in a shack by the road,/ Than here to own all of earth's treasures, With no title to a future abode." [Presley, 1935]

"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Matthew 16:26

Today's to do: know the majority will be turned away on that Day because of their unfaithful living; make Jesus my Savior by submitting to His commands; encourage those I love dearly to remain faithful with me; have a good day.