Several of us went to a local restaurant one Sunday morning after church. My attention was drawn to the table in front of me as servers and those at the table were singing "Happy Birthday." I noticed a woman named, Ami whose child, Abby I had in my preschool at the table. I also notice a couple of other people I knew, but not wanting to bother their celebration I didn't go over to their table. Rather, we waved, smiled and shared the usual" Hello!" "How ya doing?"
I then turned to the conversation at our table and didn't notice Ami leaving. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was her saying her niece wanted to talk to me. I noticed she had been crying and asked her why she was sad. Ami told me her niece had asked to talk to me, but was told she wasn't to interrupt my lunch and she started crying. Not being able to console her, Ami brought her to me. My heart sunk when I heard this and couldn't hug her enough for this beautiful child was one of my old preschoolers, Mia. I loved visiting with her and getting one more hug before saying good-bye.
When we were leaving the restaurant an elderly couple in the booth behind me made a comment on how they had seen the whole thing happening and were so happy the little girl was allowed to talk with me. Of course, I had to take the opportunity to let them know that even though I had retired from teaching preschool three years ago I was so blessed by parents allowing me to be part of their child's lives.
Memories of being a preschool teacher filled my heart and thoughts all day. I was also reminded of the story of the children wanting to come to see Jesus only to be stopped by the disciples. The disciples weren't being mean, but rather out of love for him and trying to protect him. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not putting myself on the same level as Jesus, but did Jesus not come to earth, to feel what we feel? I know how I feel when a child runs to me with open arms. Jesus must have felt the same way.
In the early years of my teaching there were some days that were a little overwhelming for me. The children had some questions, concerning life, friends, or family. Some I could answer. Some I could not and there was such helplessness by not having all the answers for them. The one thing I did know there was no way I would be any kind of a teacher if I did not learn from the greatest teacher I knew. From that realization came this song.
Teacher, Teacher why don't the clouds fall?
Why don't the fish drown?
Why won't my friend play with me?
And why don't mommy and daddy live in the same house?
The lesson is planned for the day.
It'll be numbers, letters and shapes.
Will I teach so they understand?
A helicopter goes by, so we run out to fly along.
Teacher, Teacher why don't the clouds fall?
Why don't the fish drown?
Why won't my friend play with me?
And why don't mommy and daddy live in the same house?
The lesson is planned for the day.
It'll be story, music, and art.
Will I teach so they understand?
A woodpecker's beak gets caught in our screen, and we feel its pain.
Teacher, Teacher why don't the clouds fall?
Why don't the fish drown?
Why won't my friend play with me?
And why don't mommy and daddy live in the same house?
The lesson is planned for the day.
It'll be science, colors, and math.
Will I teach so they understand?
A little one cries cause his mother has left, so we share a hug.
Teacher, Teacher why don't the clouds fall?
Why don't the fish drown?
Why won't my friend play with me?
And why don't mommy and daddy live in the same house?
The lesson is planned for the day.
How do I cover all that they need?
With the most important being self-worth?
But all becomes easier, when I kneel before the loving teacher above.
Teacher, Teacher why don't the clouds fall?
Why don't the fish drown?
Why won't my friend play with me?
And why don't mommy and daddy live in the same house?
From early on we teach our children it is not polite to interrupt, as we should. However, if I hadn't been interrupted that day I would have missed out on wonderful hug from a child... another great teacher.
Matthew 19: 13-14
Hebrews 2
I Timothy 2:5
John 1: 1-16
Mother: "I've told you before not to speak when older people are talking. Wait until they stop."
Daughter: "I tried, but they never stop."
© Melinda Sutherland 5/1/2017