Isaac Sandifer, Jr .
California Ave. Church of Christ Staff
California Ave. Church of Christ Staff The California Ave. Church of Christ is a growing work in progress. Although at the present time we do not have Elders or Deacons, we have an Minister/Evangelist serving our congregation. More>>
To preach and teach the word of God in a challenging way to the Lost and the Saved. Teach Bible Classes in the community. Conduct Leadership training classes for men in the congregation. Coordinate a ministry leaders workshop the congregation on a yearly basis. More>>
The purpose of this ministry is to insure that we have prepared teachers for all Sunday and Wednesday classes and to meet the spiritual/educational needs of the church.
Teachers should:
Be active and faithful to the Lord
Be faithful in attending all services and classes
In class five minutes before class starts More>>
Linda Andrews, Baptism Ministry Coordinator
To prepare and clean baptismal clothes insuring readiness for baptizing people. More>>
Krystal Sandifer, Regina Carter, LuShae Thomas, Office Staff
Church Office Management, Bulletin Production, Church Financial Records, Church Files and Financial Billing More>>
To provide assistance/help to Church of Christ members who are suffering a hardship. More>>
LaDonna Norwood, Robert Jones, Building/Custodial Services Coordinator
To insure that our church building is cleaned on a weekly basis. More>>
With congregational/bylaw authority, trustees handle the business aspects of the church. More>>
LaTrice Broughton, Ted Dixon, Transportation Ministry Coordinator
To provide transportation to and from worship for members and visitors. More>>
Dario & LaTrice Broughton, Ron Norwood, Homeless Ministry Coordinator
Conduct monthly feeding at MLK Park. More>>
Richard Thomas, Worship Ministry Coordinator
To schedule worship assignments weekly, provide worship training as necessary. To help brethren develop in leading in the public worship service and devotions. More>>
Tiffinia Webber, Calvin Isaac, Robert Alexander, Youth Committee Ministry
To plan and provide wholesome activities for our youth at California Ave. More>>
To raise funds in support of our school, Southwestern Christian College. More>>
LaTrice Broughton, Chorus Ministry Coordinator
To spread good will and gospel through the avenue of Singing. Participate in fellowships with other Churches of Christ. More>>
Christine King, Susan Mutilangi, Senior Citizens Ministry Coordinator
To encourage the Senior Saints of California Ave. Coordinate the annual Saint Program. More>>
Spiritual Life Group, Spiritual Life Group
To provide wholesome activities that will help to encourage all Christians at California Ave. (Game night, Movie night and Bowling) More>>

To update and maintain the information on the California Ave. Church of Christ Website. More>>
Isaac Sandifer, Text Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to provide encouragement/edification to members of the congregation during each week. More>>