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Men's Business Meeting/Ladies Bible Class
Our next Men's Business Meeting and Ladies Bible class will be held on January 26, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. Please make plans to attend. More>>

Men's Fellowship
The annual Carolina Men's Fellowship will held on Saturday, March 8, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Please make plans to attend this wonderful event. More>>

Spread the Word Seminar
There will be a "Spread the Word" seminar held on February 18, 2025 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. The event will be held at the Agri-Center in Albemarle, NC. The event will feature institutions such as the Stanly County Sheriff's Department, Stanly County DSS, The Butterfly House, and various Mental Health agencies. More>>

Young/Young At Heart Banquet
We will be hosting a Young/Young at Heart Banquet on February 15, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. Please text, email, or hand deliver a picture (1 or 2) of you in your younger days to Sis. Lynette Pinkston by February 9, 2025. More>>

Baby Registry
Bro. Caleb Darden-Stanford and Sis. Havillynn Darden-Stanford have baby registries at Amazon, Walmart, and Target. Please consider purchasing gifts from the aforementioned establishments as we help them welcome their little one into the world in March, 2025. More>>

Teacher's Training Session
We will be conducting a Teacher's Training Session on Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 11:00 here at the building. We are asking all current and prospective teachers to attend this training as we seek to improve and strengthen our education program. More>>

Ministry Questionnaire
We are asking all members to complete a Ministry Questionnaire as soon as possible. The document can be turned in to one of our Elders. The deadline for completing the questionnaire is January 5, 2025. More>>

Holiday Card Exchange
Our Holiday card exchange is currently under way. There is one week left for those who would like to participate in the event. The Holiday card box is in the rear of the auditorium. Cards can be placed in the box which is arranged in alphabetical order. More>>

Please welcome Bro. Terry Underwood who is our newest brother in Christ. Bro. Terry was baptized on Saturday, December 14, 2024. We love you Bro. Terry and welcome to the fold!!!! More>>

No Bible Study 12/25
There will be no Wednesday night Bible study on Wednesday, December 25 in lieu of the Christmas holiday. More>>

Trinity Place Adopt A Hall
We have decided to participate in the yearly "Adopt A Hall" Program at Trinity Place. Church members are asked choose a resident and provide the gifts requested on their wish list. Members will then complete the sign up sheet at the rear of church which includes their name and the resident chosen. More>>

Cradle Roll Nursery
The Cradle Roll Nursery will officially begin on December 1 at 11:00 a,m. It is open to all children from birth to 2 years of age. We will need volunteers to help staff in the nursery. There will be a Sign Up Sheet in the back Please Sis. More>>

Thanksgiving Week
Our weekly Bible study will held on Tuesday, November 26 instead of Wednesday, November 27 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. More>>

Ladies Day
The Eastside church of Christ in Winston Salem, NC will host Ladies Day Program on November 2, 2024.. Sis. Suzanne Brokenborough will be the keynote speaker. The colors are black, white, and silver. Registration begins at 8:00 and the program will start a 9:00 a. More>>

Albemarle church of Christ Gospel Meeting
Our Gospel Meeting begins today and conclude on October 16. We will have our normal morning services and will have fellowship meal immediately afterwards. We will then have a 2:00 p.m. service. There will be no 6:00 p. More>>

Secret Sisters Campaign
The ladies are going to start a Secret Sisters campaign in October. If your would like to take part, please complete a Secret Sisters Questionnaire which can be found on the table in the rear of the auditorium and give to Sis. More>>

Gospel Meeting
The Rockingham church of Christ will conduct a Gospel Meeting September 15 - 18, 2024. Services will be held Sunday at 2:00 and each evening at 7:00 p.m. More>>

Youth Rally
The Warner's Chapel church of Christ will host a Youth Rally September 6 - 8, 2024 More>>

Gospel Meeting
Our annual Gospel Meeting will be held on October 13 - 16, 2024. The theme will be "Back to the Basics/" Please mark your calendars for this important event. More details to come later.

Church Youtube Channel
The Albemarle church of Christ will now be streaming sermons, studies, etc. on our new Youtube channel as well as Facebook. Our new Youtube channel is:
Please join and shaare with other in an effort to spread the gospel and save souls. More>>

You are cordially invited to join Bro. Curtis Parker and Sis. Regina Parker in a Wedding Vow Renewal Ceremony celebrating their 30th Wedding Anniversary on June 15, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. Please verbally RSVP with Bro/Sis. More>>

Gospel Meeting/Homecoming
Thee Centergrove Rd. church of Christ will be conducting a Gospel Meeting/Homecoming June 2 - June 5. There will be a Sunday service at 3:00 p.m. and each evening at 7:00 p.m. More>>

House to House Sunday
Our next House to House Sunday will take place on today, February 2, 2025. Bro./Sis. Curtis Parker will be responsible for conducting our evening service. Please check with your zone leader for further details. More>>

More Teachers Needed
We are in need of more teachers. Please consider partricpating in this great ministry. Trainng willl be provided. Please see Bro. Parker if interested. More>>

3rd Sunday Fellowship
Our 3rd Sunday Fellowship will be held on today. We will have our normal morning services which will be followed by a covered dish fellowship meal shortly afterwards. This will be followed by short worship service. More>>

Congregational Meeting
There will be a bi-monthly congregational meeting held on Sunday, April 21 immediately after morning service. Please make plans to attend this meeting. More>>


Extended Song Service
We will have an extended song service in conjunction witho our 6:00 worship today. Please make plans to attend. More>>

Ladies Day
The Concord church of Christ will conduct a Ladie's Day on Saturday, April 3 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. More>>

Elder Survey
Please attempt to complete the Elder's Survey that was distuributed last Sunday. Please place completed surveys in the Suggestion Box located in the churh foyer. Please try to have these completd by March 31. More>>

Congratulations to Sis. Christa Napier who was baptized last Sudnay and Sis. Theda Dickens who placed membership with last Sunday. We are so excited that you are a part of our spiritual family.!!!!!! More>>

Ladies Bible Class
Ladies Bible Class will be held today at 4:30 p.m. instead of 5 pm. More>>

Congregational Meeting Today
We will have a brief congregational meeting immediately after morning service. We are asking all members to please stay for the important meeting. More>>

Men's Fellowship
The annual Men's Fellowship will be held on Saturday, March 9 at the Gold Hill Rd. chrcch of Christ. The time is from 9:00 - 2:00 p.m. Please make plans to attend this wonderful event. More>>

Ladie's Bible Class
The Ladie's Bible Class will be held today at 5:00 p.m. Kaye Mayes, author of "Dear Sisters" will speaker to the class at this time. The ladies will be starting this book in the Ladie's class. More>>

Wedding Shower
There will be a co-ed wedding shower for Sis. Joanne Hilliard and Sanford Ray Goins on Saturday, March 2 from 2 - 4 pm. Refreshments will be served. Please see the sign up sheet on the credenza at the rear of the auditorium. More>>

Area Wide Singing
The next Area-Wide congregational singing will be held on Friday, February 23 at the Lake Norman church of Christ. The starting time will be 7:00 p.m. More>>

Ladies Day
The Northwest church of Christ in Greensboro, NC will conduct a Ladies' Day Program on May 18, 2024 More>>

New Year's Symposium
The Carver School Road Church of Christ will host a New Year's Synposium January 24 - 26, 2024. The theme is "Love for the Brotherhood; Lessons from 1 Peter". The guest anchor speaker is Bro. Loyd Harris of North Little Rock, Ark. More>>

Elder Selection Process
We have scheduled our final affirmation of our Elder nominees on today immediately after service. The ordination service will be held on Sunday, February 11. Our guest speaker will be Bro. Kirk Sams, the minister of the Kannapolis church of Christ. More>>

5th Sunday Song Service
Our next 5th Sunday Extended Song Service will be held on December 31 at 6:00 p.m. We would love for all to attend. More>>

Christmas Cards
Our annual traditions of sharing Christmas/Holiday cards is underway. The Card box is set up in the rear of the auditorium for those who choose to participate. Please see Sis, Donna Roberson for questions or more details. More>>

Sunday, December 24
Our afternoon activites and worhsip service will be cancelled on December 24. There will no Business Meeting or Ladies Bible class at 5:00 p.m. There will also be no 6:00 p.m. worship on this date. More>>

Trinity Place Holiday Giving
Our annual goal of providing gifts for the residents of Trinity Place is underway. The agency has asked us to provide generic bulk gifts in lieu of providing individual gifts for residents. They have asked that we provide items such as: blankets, Kleenex, Lotion, Gripper socks, Candy bars (fun size packs) and other small gifts to for those who may play Bingo. More>>

House to House Sunday
Our next House to House Sunday will be held on Sunday, March 3. . Bro./Sis. Curtis Parker will be conducting the 6:00 p.m. service here at the building. Please contact your Zone leader for more details. More>>

Congregational Meeting
There will be a congregational meeting held immediately after morning service. Please make plans to attend this very important meeting. More>>

Bible Study This Week
Our normal weekly bible study has been moved to Tuesday, November 21 at 6:30 p.m. in lieu of the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday. Please make appropriate adjustments and plan to join as we study God's Word together. More>>

Happy Veteran's Day
Happy Veteran's Day to all those who faithfully served our country and protected our freedom that we all enjoy. More>>

Congratulations to Bro. Wayne Hathcock and Sis. Kathy Deaton. Both, after several further bible studies on baptism and the church, were baptized again on Tuesday, October 31, 2023. More>>

Church Directory
We are in the process of updating our church directory. Bro. Chad Howard will be contacting thoes families who need to have piictures taken for the directory. Please contact Bro. Chad Howard if there are any questions. More>>

Ladies Day
The Carver School Road church of Christ will host a Ladies Day on September 30. More>>

Gospel Meeting
Our Gospel Meeting will begin on today, October 8. We will have normal morning service which will be followed up with a fellowship meal. We will then have an afternoon service beginning at 2:30 p.m. More>>

New Church Meeting Times
Our new meeting time for Sunday evening service will be at 6:00 p.m. This new time will go into effect on August 13. Our new Wedensday night bible study time will be 6:30 p.m. This new time will go into effect on August 2, 2023 More>>

House to House Sunday
Our next House to House Sunday will be held on today.. Bro./Sis. Chris Harward will condduct 6:00 p.m. worship service here at the building. Please check with your zone leaders for specific details.

Business Meeting/Ladies Bible Class
Our Men's business meeting and ladies bible class will be held today at 5:00 p.m. Please make plans to attend. More>>

Carolina Bible Camp
Carolina Bible Camp is in full swing. Many young people are being taught the gospel and enjoying Christian fellowship. Please continue to pray for the efforts being made to win young souls to Christ. More>>

Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day to all of the fathers. Thank God for godly fathers and those who play the role of father in the lives of others. More>>

3rd Sunday Fellowship
Our next 3rd Sunday fellowship will be held on today, August 20. We will have our normal morning services and then will have a covered dish meal after morning worship. We will then have an short worship service immediately after morning worship. More>>

Gospel Meeting
The Centergrove Rd. church of Christ will begin their gospel meeting on today, June 4. and will conclude on June 7. There is a 3:00 service today and services each night at 7:00 p.m. More>>

Happy Mother's Day!!
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and those who have fulfilled the role of mother to many in your lives. We love you and are truly thankful for all that you do. Enjoy your day!!! More>>

Monthly Fellowship Meal
Our bi-monthly church fellowship meal normally held on the fourth Saturday will be postponed due the Memorial Day weekend. Stay for the next day and location. More>>

Monthly Fellowship Meal
Our bi-monthly church fellowship meal normally held on the fourth Saturday will be postponed due the Memorial Day weekend. Stay for the next day and location. More>>

Congratulations to Bro. Caleb and Sis. Havillyn Stanford on their wedding yesterday. May you both continue to walk before the Lord as you build your Godly lives together. We all love you!! More>>

Memorial Service today
We will conduct a memorial service for sis. Sharon Huff and Sis. Faith Alexander today after our fellowship meal. Please stay and honor our sisters in Christ. More>>

3rd Sunday Fellowship
Our next Third Sunday Fellowship will be held on Augusst 20. We would love for all to paticipate and attend. More>>

Welcome Sis. Stark!
Please join us in welcoming Sis. Lillian Stark officially into the fold. Sis Stark officially placed her membership with us on Wednesday evening. She has been with us for quite some time and we are blessed to have her presence in our wonderful church family! More>>

Welcome Sis. Stark!
Please join us in welcoming Sis. Lillian Stark officially into the fold. Sis Stark officially placed her membership with us on Wednesday evening. She has been with us for quite some time and we are blessed to have her presence in our wonderful church family! More>>

Arrangements for Sis. Sally Turner
There will be a memorial service held for Sis. Sally Turner on Thursday, April 13 here at the building. A meal will served for Lewis Turner and family following the memorial service If you can prepare an item or give a monetary donation, please see Sis. More>>

House to House Sunday
Our next House to House Sunday will be held on Sunday, August 6.. Zone 5(Bro./Sis. Stanford) will conduct the 5:00 p.m. worship. here at the building. Please plan to attend these scheduled events. More>>

New Daybreak Articles
New Daybreak Articles are placed on the back table in the sanctuary. Please feel free to take one. More>>

Ladies Retreat
A "Bloom where you are Planted" Ladies Retreat will be held on May 5,6 at the Carolina Bible Camp. Registration begins on March 15. Please check the flyer in the foyer of the auditorium. for additional information. More>>

Wedding Shower
Join us for a wedding shower to celebrate the upcoming union of Caleb and Havillyn. The event will be held on April 1st from 2:00 p.m - 4:00 p.m. The couple is registered at Walmart and Amazon. Please come out to be a part of this wonderful event. More>>

Wedding Shower
Join us for a wedding shower to celebrate the upcoming union of Caleb and Havillyn. The event will be held on April 1st from 2:00 p.m - 4:00 p.m. The couple is registered at Walmart and Amazon. Please come out to be a part of this wonderful event. More>>

Monthly Fellowship
Our monthly fellowship meal will be held on Saturday, March 25 at 4:00 p.m. at Harmanco's Restaurant on E. Main St., Albemarle, N.C. Please make preparations to attend this wonderful event. More>>

Quarterly Teacher's Meeting
Our first quarterly teacher's meeting will be held on March 25 at 2:00 p.m. We encourage all teachers and teacher prospects to attend this meeting. More>>

Quarterly Teacher's Meeting
Our first quarterly teacher's meeting will be held on March 25 at 2:00 p.m. We encourage all teachers and teacher prospects to attend this meeting. More>>

Funeral Services for Sis. Bernice Sides
Funeral services for Sis. Bernice Sides will be held today here at the building. The visitation will from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. The funeral services will be held at 3:00 p.m. There will be no 5:00 p.m. evening service in lieu of the funeral proceedings. More>>

House to House Sunday
Our next House to House Sunday will be held on March 12, 2023., in lieu of the funeral services being held for Sis. Bernice Sides this afternoon. Evening worship (5:00 p.m.) will facilitated by Zone 5(Bro. More>>

Valentine's Day Banquet
Please join us for fun, food, and fellowship on Saturday, February 18, from 4:00 - 6:00 pm. Food will be catered by Dickie's Barbeque. We will enjoy pulled pork, marinated chicken, baked beans, potato salad, slaw and rolls. More>>

New Church Meeting Times
We have decided to change some our meeting times. Beginning Sunday, February 5, we will hold our evening worship service at 5:00 p.m. Beginning Wednesdaty, February 8, our mid week bible study will begin at 6:00 p. More>>

Congregational Meeting Today
We will hold a brief congregational meeting immediately atter service the morning. Please make plans to discuss some important matter. More>>

Men's Fellowship
The annual Men's Fellowship will be held on Saturday, March 11 at the Gold Hill Rd. church of Christ in Ft. Mill, SC. We would love to have of the men in the congregation attend this great event. More>>

5th Sunday Extended Song Service
We will conduct our 5th Sunday extended song service on January 29 during evening worship. Please make plans to attend. More>>

Congratulations to Bro. Caleb Stanford and Sis. Havillyn McKillim on their recent engagment. We love you guys and wish you the best!! More>>

Christmas Card Exchange
The box for exchanging holiday greetings is on the back table. Please check your slot to retrieve your cards. They are placed by last name.. Please help deliver cards to those who are not able to be here to get their cards. More>>

After the Holidays Fellowship
Our annual "After the Holidays" fellowship will be held on Saturday, January 28, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. The dinner will be held at Blue Bay Restaurant, on Hwy.24/27 in Albemarle, N.C. We would love for all to attend. More>>

Church Services on December 25
We will have our normal morning services on Sunday, December 25, which include bible study and morning worship. There will be no 6:00 p.m. evening worship on this date. There also be no business meeting nor women's bible study on this date. More>>

Building Cleanup/Communion Sign Up
It is once again time for members to volunteer to clean the building and prepare communion for the year of 2023. There will be a sign up sheet posted in the back for those who are interested in participating. More>>

Death of Sis. Sharon Huff
Our dear sister, Sharon Huff, passed away after a short illness on Friday, December 16, at 2:52 a.m. She requested no funeral, but we may have a memorial service sometime in the near future. We loved her and she will be greatly missed! More>>

Adopt A Hall Ministry
We have decided to participate in the Adopt A Hall event at Trinity Place. Please volunteer to help makes someone's life and holiday a little better. The sign up sheet will placed on the back table in the auditorium. More>>

House to House Sunday
Our House to House Ministry will meet on today, January 8, 2023 in lieu of evening worship. Zone 1 (Bro./Sis. McNeal) will be responsible for conducting evening worship. Please contact your Zone Leader for specific meeting details. More>>

Bible Study this week
Our weekly bible study will be held on Tuesday at 7:00 instead of Wednesday in lieu of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. More>>

Newest Member
Please help welcome and congratulate our new member, Bro. John Swift, who was baptized on Wednesday, October 12!!! More>>

Spring Arbor Devotional
Our Spring Arbor Devotional will be held on p.m. Please Thursday, March 14,2024 at 3:15 p.m. Please consider becoming a part of this wonderful ministry. More>>

Trinity Place Bible Study
Our weekly bible study at Trinity Place on Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. We would love for you to take part in this wonderful ministry. More>>

Sentence Sermon of the Week
Learn from others' mistakes. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself!

Theme Scriptures
The theme scriptures for June and July will be 1 Timothy 4:1-6 and Ephesians 6:10-12. More>>

Welcome to the church of Christ at Albemarle
We are happy to have you with us as we attempt to worship God in spirit and in truth. If you are visiting, we would love for you to fill out a visitors card and place it in the collection basket. Please return to be with us again at your earliest convenience! More>>

Our News Archives
Bible Class
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Sunday - 11:00 AM
Evening Worship
Sunday - 6:00 PM
Bible Study
Wednesday - 6:30 PM
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Our next Men's Business Meeting and Ladies Bible class will be held on January 26, 2025 at 5:00 p. More>>
The annual Carolina Men's Fellowship will held on Saturday, March 8, 2025 from 9:00 a. More>>
There will be a "Spread the Word" seminar held on February 18, 2025 from 6:00 - 8:00 p. More>>
We will be hosting a Young/Young at Heart Banquet on February 15, 2025 at 4:00 p. More>>
Bro. Caleb Darden-Stanford and Sis. Havillynn Darden-Stanford have baby registries at Amazon, Walmart, and Target. More>>
More News
Our next Men's Business Meeting and Ladies Bible class will be held on January 26, 2025 at 5:00 p. More>>
The annual Carolina Men's Fellowship will held on Saturday, March 8, 2025 from 9:00 a. More>>
There will be a "Spread the Word" seminar held on February 18, 2025 from 6:00 - 8:00 p. More>>
We will be hosting a Young/Young at Heart Banquet on February 15, 2025 at 4:00 p. More>>
Bro. Caleb Darden-Stanford and Sis. Havillynn Darden-Stanford have baby registries at Amazon, Walmart, and Target. More>>
More News